11 International Travel Essentials (stuff you actually need) \ JQ (2024)

Traveling abroad is always an epic adventure – I love it. But it requires a little bit of planning. So let’s make sure you don’t miss any important steps or requirements.

Welcome to my checklist of international travel essentials. These are the must-have items to prepare and bring with you during your trip.

I wanted to keep this checklist true to its name by only covering the stuff you actually need when traveling overseas (i.e., no fluff).

Because while designer neck pillows and satin-lined eye masks are nice, they aren’t exactly “essential” (in my view, at least – others may disagree).

So these are my non-negotiables when journeying abroad. Let’s get to it.

The Importance of Planning Ahead for International Travel

Planning is important, especially for traveling overseas. Admittedly, I’m not the best at it either.

So using checklists like this one is a great tool. But what’s the importance of planning ahead for international travel exactly?

Here are some key reasons to plan ahead for overseas travel:

  • Better understand the culture you're visiting

  • Limit your risk of unexpected surprises

  • Enjoy a smoother travel experience with less stress or problems

  • Optimize your schedule and time for the most fun

  • Improve your sense of control and travel happiness

  • Go through travel procedures and steps quicker and more efficiently

  • Improve your sense of confidence

Recommended: How to Get Better At Planning

International Travel Essentials Checklist (11 must-haves)

This is a list of the international travel must-haves.

But long flights provide you with things like blankets, food and headphones. So while splurging on the extras is fun, it’s important to first make sure we have all the actual essentials.

1. Passport, Visas + Required Docs

Let's kick things off with the obvious – you need a passport (and any related stuff like visas).

If you’re traveling overseas, you’ll obviously need to have a passport to get into the country (and to even board the plane). So that’s step one – have your passport.

Next, you’ll want to check if your destination requires a visa and any other extra documents or applications for entry.

While many countries offer visas on arrival (which don’t require you to do anything, except show up), some will require an application for approval (depending on your passport).

Besides visas, it’s also important to double check if there are other requirements for entry.

For example, South Korea implemented an electronic travel authorization system (K-ETA) during the pandemic, which required all visitors to pay a small fee and fill out some information before arriving.

However, this requirement was lifted for all US visitors coming in on a tourist visa.

Still, just remember to check your destinations and make sure you’re not missing any documents, shots or applications.

2. Proof of Onward Travel

If you’re visiting a foreign country as a tourist, you need proof that you’re going to actually leave the country.

You need proof of onward travel – even though you may not always be asked to show it.

For example, I’ve never actually been asked by Japanese immigration to show proof of my onward travel. But I have been asked by airline employees when checking in.

So it’s best to just play by the rules and not roll the dice on this one. Because if/when you are asked, you need to make sure you can prove that you’re not staying forever.

To show proof of onward travel, you just need to have a purchased plane ticket showing that you’re leaving the country (within the designated tourist visa time).

Showing an email confirmation of your flight is usually enough here.

So remember, don’t just buy a one-way ticket thinking you’ll figure out your next move later on. Plan ahead and buy your next ticket (even if you end up canceling it).

3. Accommodations

When arriving at your destination and filling out your customs and immigration forms, you’ll need to put down the address you’ll be staying at (and the phone number).

Even if it’s just for the first night, you’ll need something to put in those spaces.

So before you head to the airport and hop on your flight, make sure you reserve a hotel or AirBnB (unless you’re staying with friends or family, then you can just use their address).

As long as you have this information to share with immigration, you’ll be good to go.

And again, you can move around once you’re actually in the country and stay at different places. But having at least your first night’s accommodation set up is key.

4. Universal Travel Adapter

Different countries often use different outlets, so being prepared in this department will save you some stress after you arrive.

A universal travel adapter is a power converter that transforms the plug outlets in your destination country to match the electronics and power cords from your home country.

This is important, since a dying phone or laptop battery isn’t the most ideal thing while traveling abroad.

While you can often buy a converter at an electronic shop in your destination (or even at convenience stores), it’s more convenient to just plan ahead and bring one with you.

These devices are pretty cheap and relatively small, so it’s an easy (and essential) addition to throw into your suitcase before heading out.

5. Power Bank

A power bank is a small portable device you can plug your electronics into and charge while on the go. My power bank has definitely saved me (and my friends) more times than I can count.

While you can usually find outlets on planes or in airports, having a backup power source is a smart move. Because you can always rely on unexpected circ*mstances to show up.

Plus, after you get to your destination, keeping a power bank with you while you explore is super helpful if you’re ever in a pinch.

I definitely use mine a lot (moreso if I’m taking a lot of videos, streaming music or using Google maps for everything).

You can pick up a decent power bank on Amazon for around $20-30.

6. Travel-Sized Toiletries

When you’re spending 10+ hours traveling, having some products to freshen up a bit is helpful.

Travel-sized toiletries are small but essential (in my view). I usually travel with:

  • Deodorant

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • Some tissues

  • Hand lotion (if it’s winter)

  • Some cleansing wipes

  • Hand sanitizer

7. A Hardside Suitcase With Wheels

If you don’t have a suitcase with wheels yet, let this be your sign to get one.

I learned my lesson after having to haul a large duffle bag, guitar case, snowboard bag and backpack throughout Tokyo. So I’m here to help you skip that pain (and save your back).

After traveling internationally, you’re going to be exhausted (and probably a bit sore). The long flight, meh meals and airport wandering is just the beginning.

Unless you have a taxi, you’ll likely be walking to your accommodation, the store and to trains. So having a suitcase with wheels is essential (unless you’re pretending you're at the gym and it’s just a workout).

Luckily, you can pick up a decent budget suitcase for around $100 (or less) online or at the store (Target, etc.).

8. Comfy Travel Clothes

I’ll never understand people who wear jeans to the airport – especially for long haul flights. Unless they’re the comfy stretchy jeans, I suppose. But still, we can do better.

So let’s travel in comfort.

For me, that means a solid pair of sweatpants, a comfy sweater, a light t-shirt and comfortable shoes that are easy to slip in and out of. I’ll also pack an extra shirt and pair of socks if I have a long layover.

Because staying fresh and comfortable is key to a better travel experience.

In my view, comfort while traveling is essential. It makes for a better experience and sets you up for success on your trip.

9. A Credit Card With No Foreign Transaction Fees

When traveling, you’ll likely be using your credit card(s) a lot. So let’s be sure we’re not getting hit with a ton of foreign transaction fees.

Because these fees can add up and ruin your travel budget.

Besides using cash while traveling abroad, having a travel credit card with no foreign transaction fees is your best bet.

Currently, I have the American Express Delta SkyMiles Gold Card. Besides no foreign transaction fees, I also get points for qualified purchases that I can use on future flights.

These add up and I’ve gotten free flights from them (which is an awesome win).

Otherwise, check with your bank before leaving and take into account any extra fees you may incur while spending money abroad.

If you can’t get a card that has zero foreign transaction fees, the next best solution is to just use cash (whenever possible) and adjust your budget to account for additional transaction fees.

10. Some Cash

Even if you have the fanciest travel points credit card with no foreign transaction fees, you should still carry some cash with you.

While most places accept credit these days (depending on where you’re traveling to), some places may not.

I live in Tokyo part-time and I still find myself at older restaurants that are cash only. It’s also easier to split bills with my local friends (since they don’t use apps like Venmo here).

Also, most train ticket machines are cash only. So whenever I need to reload my train card balance, I need cash.

And finally, it’s just good peace of mind knowing that you have some cash as a backup in case your card doesn’t run or some other circ*mstance pops up.

In Japan, I usually carry between ¥3-10,000 yen around with me. It’s not a lot, but usually plenty to cover the day’s expenses (just in case).

11. A SIM Card

The last item on my international travel essential checklist is a SIM card.

Unless you have international coverage on your phone plan back home, having service in your destination country will be a life saver.

For Japan, I usually order a SIM card before I leave and get it shipped to my home address (I use Mobal by the way, if you happen to be traveling to Japan).

Otherwise, you can usually pick up a SIM card at the airport or at certain shops in the country you’ll be visiting.

Alternatively, you can opt for a pocket WiFi rental. You can also usually find these services offered at the airport once you arrive (I would just research the airport before you depart to check).

But regardless of how you get connected, having the internet while traveling abroad is incredibly helpful (as I’m sure you can easily imagine).


Making sure you have the most essential items for your trip abroad is super important.

While you’ll likely pack some extra items you deem personally necessary, this checklist includes the most critical stuff you should have.

Namely, your passport and visa, any required documentation, proof of onward travel and your accommodations are the most critical things to have before traveling overseas.

But remember, it’s always best to check the official government website for the country you’re visiting for information related to entry requirements.

Because international travel essentials can vary depending on where you’re going, where you’re coming from and what you’ll be doing during your travels.

Put another way, don’t just listen to one blog post. Do your research and make sure you’re fully prepared.

But for most simple travel situations, this list should be a solid starting point.

Now go have an epic time!

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As an Expert in International Travel Essentials, I'll Provide Detailed Information on the Concepts Used in the Article

International travel can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it does require some planning and preparation. In this article, the author presents a checklist of international travel essentials, highlighting the must-have items to bring and prepare before embarking on a trip abroad. I will now provide information on the concepts mentioned in the article:

Importance of Planning Ahead for International Travel

Planning ahead is crucial when it comes to international travel. By planning in advance, you can better understand the culture of the country you're visiting, reduce the risk of unexpected surprises, have a smoother and less stressful travel experience, optimize your schedule for maximum enjoyment, improve your sense of control and confidence, and go through travel procedures more efficiently. The article recommends using checklists and provides tips on how to get better at planning for international travel.

Passport, Visas + Required Docs

A valid passport is essential for traveling overseas. It is the primary identification document that allows you to enter a foreign country and board an international flight. Depending on your destination, you may also need to obtain a visa, which grants you permission to enter and stay in a foreign country for a specific period. It's important to check the visa requirements of your destination and ensure that you have all the necessary documents and applications for entry.

Proof of Onward Travel

Many countries require visitors to provide proof of onward travel, which demonstrates that you have plans to leave the country within the designated tourist visa time. This proof can be in the form of a purchased plane ticket showing your departure from the country. While you may not always be asked to show it, it's best to have this proof available to avoid any issues with immigration or airline employees.


When arriving at your destination, you will need to provide the address and phone number of the place you'll be staying at on your customs and immigration forms. Having at least your first night's accommodation reserved is crucial, even if you plan to move around and stay at different places during your trip. This information is necessary for immigration purposes and ensures a smooth entry into the country.

Universal Travel Adapter

Different countries have different electrical outlets, so a universal travel adapter is essential to ensure that you can plug in and charge your electronic devices while abroad. A universal travel adapter is a power converter that transforms the plug outlets in your destination country to match those from your home country. It's recommended to bring a travel adapter with you to avoid any inconvenience or stress upon arrival.

Power Bank

A power bank is a portable device that allows you to charge your electronic devices on the go. It's useful when you don't have access to electrical outlets or when unexpected circ*mstances arise. Having a power bank ensures that you can keep your devices charged and stay connected while traveling.

Travel-Sized Toiletries

Travel-sized toiletries are small versions of essential personal care products that are convenient to carry during your travels. These include items like deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, tissues, hand lotion, cleansing wipes, and hand sanitizer. Having these toiletries with you can help you freshen up during long flights or layovers.

A Hardside Suitcase With Wheels

Investing in a hardside suitcase with wheels is highly recommended for international travel. After a long flight, you may find yourself walking to your accommodation, stores, or train stations, and having a suitcase with wheels will save you from unnecessary physical strain. It's advisable to choose a durable and reasonably priced suitcase that meets your travel needs.

Comfy Travel Clothes

Wearing comfortable clothes while traveling is essential for a better travel experience. Opt for loose-fitting and breathable clothing, such as sweatpants, comfortable sweaters, light t-shirts, and easy-to-slip-on shoes. Carrying an extra shirt and pair of socks can also be useful during long layovers or when you want to freshen up.

A Credit Card With No Foreign Transaction Fees

Using a credit card while traveling is common, so having a credit card with no foreign transaction fees can save you money. These fees can add up, so it's beneficial to choose a credit card that offers no foreign transaction fees or to check with your bank about any additional fees you may incur while spending money abroad. It's also advisable to inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card transactions.

Some Cash

While credit cards are widely accepted in many places, it's still important to carry some cash with you. Some establishments may only accept cash, and it's also helpful for situations like splitting bills or using cash-only services, such as train ticket machines. Carrying a reasonable amount of local currency provides peace of mind and ensures that you're prepared for any unexpected circ*mstances.

A SIM Card

Having a SIM card or access to the internet while traveling abroad is incredibly helpful. It allows you to stay connected, access maps, make reservations, and communicate with others. You can either order a SIM card before your trip or purchase one upon arrival at the airport or local shops. Alternatively, you can consider renting a pocket WiFi device for internet connectivity.

In conclusion, the article provides a checklist of international travel essentials that cover crucial items and preparations for a smooth and enjoyable trip abroad. It's important to note that travel requirements may vary depending on your destination, so it's always advisable to check the official government website or consult relevant authorities for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

11 International Travel Essentials (stuff you actually need) \ JQ (2024)


What items do I need for international travel? ›

Here are some of the things you almost always have to pack for a trip abroad.
  • Sturdy Travel Bag. Your travel bag of choice may vary depending on your travel style and how long you're traveling. ...
  • Day Bag. ...
  • Universal Travel Adaptor. ...
  • Reusable Water Bottle. ...
  • Passport and Visas. ...
  • Travel Insurance. ...
  • Medications. ...
  • Debit or Credit Card.

What do I need to bring on an international flight? ›

International travel documents
  1. U.S. passport.
  2. U.S. passport card.
  3. DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
  4. U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents.
  5. Permanent resident card.
  6. Border crossing card.
  7. State-issued Enhanced Driver's License.

What do you need to go international? ›

1. Make sure your passport and visa are up-to-date. Most countries require that your U.S. passport be valid for six months after your return date. The State Department recommends that you renew your passport no less than nine months before it's set to expire.

What do US citizens need to travel internationally? ›

United States citizens don't need a U.S. visa for travel, but when planning travel abroad may need a visa issued by the embassy of the country they wish to visit. If you have a visa, we recommend you make a copy and put it in a separate place. Carry your visa with you — do not pack it in your checked luggage.

What are 3 travel documents needed by international travelers? ›

Passport, Travel Visa and National ID Card

Proper identification is the foundation of international travel. As a result, you should ensure to always have an official identification document with you. You can even consider having multiple documents such as your passport, national ID card or driver's licence.

What is not allowed in carry-on for international flights? ›

Firearms, ammunition, and fireworks are prohibited, as are all knives and safety razors (including pocket knives and Swiss Army knives). Straight razors and replacement blades for straight razors are also not allowed. Most tools also cannot be packed in carry-on luggage, as they have the potential to cause harm.

How do I prepare for a long international flight? ›

People often say it's about the journey, not the destination – but poor planning can make a long-haul flight less than agreeable.
  1. Image credit: Getty Images. Get your body prepared. ...
  2. Choose your seat. 2/14. ...
  3. Power up. ...
  4. Image credit: Getty Images. ...
  5. Get comfy. ...
  6. Bring some snacks. ...
  7. Always bring a scarf or shawl. ...
  8. Pack a pillow and blanket.
Apr 2, 2024

How do I prepare for my first international flight? ›

8 tips for first-time international travelers
  1. Check your documents.
  2. Consider signing up for a travel rewards card.
  3. Give yourself a long booking runway.
  4. Be selective about lodging.
  5. Consider the not-so-common essentials.
  6. Pack right for the flight.
  7. Give a heads up to your credit card issuer.
  8. Make the clock your friend.
Feb 23, 2023

What are the 5 international market entry strategies? ›

10 market entry strategies for international markets
  • Exporting. Exporting involves marketing the products you produce in the countries in which you intend to sell them. ...
  • Piggybacking. ...
  • Countertrade. ...
  • Licensing. ...
  • Joint ventures. ...
  • Company ownership. ...
  • Franchising. ...
  • Outsourcing.
Aug 8, 2022

What is the main mode of entry into international market? ›

Exporting and Importing is a very common mode to enter into International business. Selling goods and services to a company in a foreign country is referred to as Exporting. For instance, Gulab sold sweets to a store in Canada. Purchasing goods from a foreign company is known as Importing.

What are the five methods for entering foreign markets? ›

There are several market entry methods that can be used.
  • Exporting. Exporting is the direct sale of goods and / or services in another country. ...
  • Licensing. Licensing allows another company in your target country to use your property. ...
  • Franchising. ...
  • Joint venture. ...
  • Foreign direct investment. ...
  • Wholly owned subsidiary. ...
  • Piggybacking.

What is the 3 1 1 rule for international travel? ›

Before Packing

Liquids, gels and aerosols packed in carry-on must follow the 3-1-1 liquids rule: 3.4 ounces or less per container. 1 quart size, clear, plastic, zip top bag (all liquids must fit in bag) 1 bag per passenger.

What should I wear on an overnight flight? ›

Loungewear and athleisure may be appropriate for international travelers looking to cozy up for a good night's sleep, while business travelers will want to stick to soft, stretchy pieces with a bit more polish, which they could wear straight from the plane to a meeting.

How much money should I bring internationally? ›

A good rule of thumb, though, is that, on average, you should plan to carry between $50 and $100 per day in the currency of the country in which you're travelling. As with all things, research is your friend here. Understand where you're travelling and what the local customs regarding cash are.

Should you carry a copy of your passport? ›

Safeguard your passport. While overseas, carry copies of your passport ID page and foreign visa with you at all times. If your passport is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the nearest embassy or consulate, or at 1-877-487-2778.

What do I need to bring to customs? ›

Documents You Will Need
  1. All U.S. citizens need U.S. passport books if re-entering by air. ...
  2. Green card (Form I-551), or document for lawful permanent residents, or advance parole (Form I-512) if your Form I-551 is pending.
  3. A visa or other entry document for the countries you will visit.
Mar 5, 2024

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.