Find vessel Ks Hermes 2, IMO: 9151254 MMSI: 440001760 live marine traffic ship tracker. Current vessel position live on map, free. SAT and AIS (2024)

you can\'t draw that!' // Message that will show when intersect }, shapeOptions: { //color: '#bada55' } }, // Turns off this drawing tool rectangle: { shapeOptions: { clickable: false } }, marker: { icon: new MyCustomMarker() } }, edit: { featureGroup: editableLayers, //REQUIRED!! remove: true } }; var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw(options); //if (uid == mapuid) { map.addControl(drawControl); //} if ((curMap == 94) && (uid == 635)) { map.addControl(drawControl); } map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (e) { var type = e.layerType, layer = e.layer; if (type === 'marker') { layer.bindPopup('A popup!'); } editableLayers.addLayer(layer); }); map.on(L.Draw.Event.DELETED, function (e) { var type = e.layerType, layer = e.layer; if (type === 'marker') { layer.bindPopup('A popup!'); } editableLayers.removeLayer(layer); }); // map.on(L.Draw.Event.EDITED, function (e) { // var type = e.layerType, // layer = e.layer; // if (type === 'marker') { // layer.bindPopup('A popup!'); // } // editableLayers.removeLayer(layer); // }); map.on('draw:edited', function (e) { objectOut = editableLayers.toGeoJSON(); textOut = JSON.stringify(objectOut); $.ajax({ url: 'api/save_geodata.php', type: "post", //async: false, data: { id: curMap, data: textOut, }, success: function(data) { console.log("geodata saved del"); }, error: function(e) { console.log("geodata not saved"); } }); // var layers = e.layers; // layers.eachLayer(function (layer) { // var shape = layer.toGeoJSON() // var shape_for_db = JSON.stringify(shape); // console.log("edited"); // console.dir(shape_for_db); // }); }); //save map.on('draw:deleted ', function (e) { var layers = e.layers; layers.eachLayer(function (layer) { var shape = layer.toGeoJSON() var shape_for_db = JSON.stringify(shape); console.log("deleted"); console.dir(shape_for_db); //do whatever you want; most likely save back to db }); objectOut = editableLayers.toGeoJSON(); textOut = JSON.stringify(objectOut); //console.dir(textOut); $.ajax({ url: 'api/save_geodata.php', type: "post", //async: false, data: { id: curMap, data: textOut, }, success: function(data) { console.log("geodata saved del"); }, error: function(e) { console.log("geodata not saved"); } }) }); map.on('draw:created', function (e) { var type = e.layerType; var layer = e.layer; var shape = layer.toGeoJSON() var shape_for_db = JSON.stringify(shape); // console.log("shape_for_db"); // console.dir(shape_for_db); objectOut = editableLayers.toGeoJSON(); textOut = JSON.stringify(objectOut); // console.log("editableLayers"); // console.dir(textOut); $.ajax({ url: 'api/save_geodata.php', type: "post", //async: false, data: { id: curMap, data: textOut, }, success: function(data) { console.log("geodata saved"); }, error: function(e) { console.log("geodata not saved"); } }) // var collection = editableLayers.toGeoJSON(); }); map.addControl(new L.Control.Fullscreen()); var NS1style = { "color": " #1b2631", //#ff7800 orange "weight": 5, "opacity": 0.65 }; var FINO2 = { "color": " #1d8348 ", //#ff7800 orange "weight": 5, "opacity": 0.65 }; //console.log(curMap); if (curMap == 2) { $.getJSON("test.json",function(data){ // add GeoJSON layer to the map once the file is loaded console.log("Get JSON"); //console.dir(data); L.geoJson(data, { style: NS1style }).addTo(map); }); $.getJSON("enbv_baltic2.json",function(data){ L.geoJson(data, { style: FINO2 }).addTo(map); }); } let polylines = []; var pl1; let markerRadius = 2; let markerOpacity = 0.5; function randomInteger(min, max) { let rand = min + Math.random() * (max + 1 - min); return Math.floor(rand); } for (var i = 0; i < IMOs.length; i++) { let pointsForJson = []; if (IMOs[i][1].points.length > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < IMOs[i][1].points.length; k++) { let p = IMOs[i][1].points[k]; if (IMOs[i][1].imo == 9278600) { p.lng = parseFloat(p.lng); if (p.lng < 0) { p.lng += 360; } } let color = '#4C0099'; //colors[i]; if (curMap == 68) { let color = '#800080'; //colors[0]; } else { if (typeof IMOs[i][0] !== 'undefined' ) { for (var j = 0; j < a_imos.length; j++) { if (a_imos[j][0] == IMOs[i][0]) { if (curMap > 0) { color = a_imos[j][1].color; } else { color = '#4C0099'; } imoCreated = a_imos[j][1].imoCreated; break; } } } } //console.log("color: " + color); if (ais > 0) { let col_ind = randomInteger(0, colors.length); color = colors[col_ind]; } //icon const markerHtmlStyles = ` background-color: ${color}; width: 1rem; height: 1rem; display: block; left: -1.5rem; top: -1.5rem; position: relative; border-radius: 1rem 1rem 0; transform: rotate(45deg); border: 1px solid #FFFFFF` const icon = L.divIcon({ className: "my-custom-pin", iconAnchor: [-10, -10], labelAnchor: [40, 40], popupAnchor: [40, 40], html: `` }) if (fromDate.length <= 18) { fromDate = '2019-01-27 08:35:00'; } let eta = ""; let destination = ""; let speed = ""; let course = ""; let heading = ""; let draught = ""; if (p.eta !== null) { eta = "ETA: " + p.eta + "
"; } if ( (p.destination !== 0) && (p.destination !== null) && (typeof p.destination !== 'undefined') ) { destination = "destination: " + p.destination + "
"; } if ( (p.speed !== null) || (p.speed === 0) ) { speed = "speed: " + p.speed + "
"; } if (p.course !== null) { course = "course: " + p.course + "
"; } if (p.heading !== null) { heading = "heading: " + p.heading + "
"; } if (p.draught !== null) { draught = "draught: " + p.draught + "
"; } //console.log("course: " + p.course + " head: " + p.heading + " speed: " + p.speed); let marker, marker2; let radius = 16; let width = 4; let iconSize = 24; if ( (ves_cnt == 1) && (IMOs[i][1].first != 1) ) { radius = 8; width = 1; iconSize = 10; color = '#00F500'; } if (ais > 0) { iconSize = 12; radius = 6; } if (curMap == 68) { radius = 4; width = 2; iconSize = 12; } let ves_course = -2; if (p.course !== null) { if (p.course.length > 0) { ves_course = parseInt(p.course); } } if (p.heading !== null) { if (p.heading.length > 0) { ves_heading = parseInt(p.heading); } } if ( k == IMOs[i][1].points.length - 1) { //console.dir(IMOs[i][1]); let iconurl = ''; if (IMOs[i][1].type == "Naval Naval Auxiliary") { iconurl = ''; } else if ( (IMOs[i][1].type == "Подводная лодка") || (IMOs[i][1].type == "Авианосец") || (IMOs[i][1].type == "Военный") || (IMOs[i][1].type == "Десантный корабль") || (IMOs[i][1].type == "Сторожевой Корабль") ) { iconurl = ''; } else if (IMOs[i][1].type == "Container Ship") { iconurl = ''; } iconurl = ''; let angle = null; if (p.course !== null) { angle = ves_course; } else if (p.heading !== null) { angle = ves_heading; } else { // base circle icon without any direction //iconurl = 'imgs/vessel_grey.png'; } let marker_opacity = 1; if (IMOs[i][1].type != null) { if ( (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('RMRS') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('cargo') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('container') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('RMRS') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('RORO') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('bulk') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('carrier') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('vl') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('nkk') !== -1) ) { iconurl = ''; } if (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('fish') !== -1) { iconurl = ''; } if ((IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('tanker') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('tanker') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('bv') !== -1)) { iconurl = ''; } if ((IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('passanger') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('cruise') !== -1)) { iconurl = ''; } if ( (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('tug') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('crane') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('supply') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('suport') !== -1) ) { iconurl = ''; } if ((IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('pleasure') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('yacht') !== -1) || (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('service') !== -1)) { iconurl = ''; } if (IMOs[i][1].type.toLowerCase().indexOf('hidden') !== -1) { marker_opacity = 0.2; } } var shipIconClass = "shipIcon"; if (IMOs[i][1].imo != 'undefined') { shipIconClass = "vesselIcon_" + IMOs[i][1].imo; } var shipIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: iconurl, //shadowUrl: 'leaf-shadow.png', iconSize: [iconSize, iconSize], // size of the icon //shadowSize: [50, 64], // size of the shadow iconAnchor: [iconSize/2, iconSize/2], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location //shadowAnchor: [4, 62], // the same for the shadow popupAnchor: [0, -30] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }); marker = L.marker([, p.lng], {icon: shipIcon, rotationAngle: angle, opacity: marker_opacity, riseOnHover: true}).addTo(map); // marker2 = L.circleMarker([, p.lng], { // color: color, // radius: radius, // opacity: 0.8, // weight: width, // }).addTo(map); let text_lat = parseFloat( + 0.007); let text_lng = parseFloat(p.lng + 0.007); if ( (IMOs[i][1].name != 'hidden') && (IMOs[i][1].name != 'undefined') ) { var myTextLabel = L.marker([text_lat, text_lng], { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'text-labels', // Set class for CSS styling html: IMOs[i][1].name }) }).addTo(map); } } else { marker = L.circleMarker([, p.lng], { color: color, //colors[i], radius: markerRadius, opacity: markerOpacity, }).addTo(map); } // let vvv = `

`+ IMOs[i][1].name + `

Find vessel Ks Hermes 2, IMO: 9151254 MMSI: 440001760 live marine traffic ship tracker. Current vessel position live on map, free. SAT and AIS (1) lat: ` + + `
lng: ` + p.lng + `
` + p.updated + ` UTC

IMO: ` + IMOs[i][1].imo + `

type: ` + IMOs[i][1].type + `

` + destination + speed + course + heading + draught + `

`; marker.bindPopup(vvv).openPopup(); if (typeof(marker2) !== 'undefined') { let vvv = `

`+ IMOs[i][1].name + `

Find vessel Ks Hermes 2, IMO: 9151254 MMSI: 440001760 live marine traffic ship tracker. Current vessel position live on map, free. SAT and AIS (2) latitude: ` + + `
longitude: ` + p.lng + `
` + p.updated + ` UTC

IMO: ` + IMOs[i][1].imo + `

type: ` + IMOs[i][1].type + `

` + destination + speed + course + heading + draught + `

`; marker2.bindPopup(vvv).openPopup(); } pointsForJson.push([parseFloat(p.lng), parseFloat(]); } } //lines let moCreated = ""; let color = colors[i]; if (typeof IMOs[i][0] !== 'undefined' ) { for (var j = 0; j < a_imos.length; j++) { if (a_imos[j][0] == IMOs[i][0]) { color = a_imos[j][1].color; imoCreated = a_imos[j][1].imoCreated; break; } } } if (IMOs[i][1].points.length > 0) { let stroke = true; let strokeWidth = 3; if ( ( (ves_cnt == 1) && (IMOs[i][1].first == 1) ) || (curMap > 0) ) { opas = 0.7; color = '#6A00DA'; stroke = true; strokeWidth = 3; } else { opas = 0.5; color = '#A1E7FF'; //stroke = false; } let polyline = L.polyline(lngLatArrayToLatLng(pointsForJson), { dashArray: "15,15", dashSpeed: -30 }); polyline.setStyle({ color: color, opacity: opas, stroke: stroke, weight: strokeWidth, }); if ( (curMap != 1) && (curMap != 2) && (curMap != 68) && (curMap != 63) && (curMap != 69) ) { if ( i == (IMOs.length - 1) ) { map.fitBounds(polyline.getBounds()); //map.fitBounds(L.latLngBounds(lngLatArrayToLatLng(pointsForJson))); } } map.addLayer(polyline); } } //map.setZoom(2); if (curMap == 1) { map.setView([35.755182, 15.227854], 3); } if (curMap == 2) { map.setView([51.72321, 3.08227], 3); } if (curMap == 76) { map.setView([51.72321, 3.08227], 3); } if (curMap == 63) { map.setView([60.4511, 22.0361], 3); } if (curMap == 68) { map.setView([25.6014, -92.1736], 3); } if (curMap == 69) { map.setView([51.72321, 3.08227], 3); } if (curMap == 71) { map.setView([25.6014, -92.1736], 3); } if (ais == 5341) { map.setView([-25.049974, 148.267389], 3); } if (ais == 5362) { map.setView([30.432088, -86.344745], 3); } if (ais == 5338) { map.setView([30.432088, -86.344745], 3); } function lngLatArrayToLatLng(lngLatArray) { return; } function lngLatToLatLng(lngLat) { return [lngLat[1], lngLat[0]]; } $('#loading').hide();//} ///////// $("#addShipDB").click(function() { let shipText = $('#shipText').val(); let IMOinput = $('#IMO').val(); let colorVal = $('#colorVal').val(); let shipTextHtml = $('#shipText').html(); let IMOinputHtml = $('#IMO').html(); let colorValHtml = $('#colorVal').html(); //let shipText = $('#shipText').val(); if (IMOinput.length == 7) { //ajax $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'api/add_ship_to_map.php', data: { IMO: IMOinput, comment: shipText, color: colorVal, map: curMap }, success: function(response) { console.log("add ship to map is ok"); //console.dir(response); let input = JSON.parse(response); //$('#addShipDiv').hide(); $('#addShipSucces').append(input.imo + " added
"); //$( input.imo + " added" ).appendTo( "#addShipSucces" ); $('#IMO').val(); $('#IMO').html(); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, error ){ console.log(xhr.statusText); console.log(textStatus); console.log(error); } }); } else { console.log("wrong IMO"); } //console.log("colorValHtml " + colorValHtml + " shipTextHtml " + shipTextHtml + " IMOinputHtml " + IMOinputHtml); }); $("#addShip").click(function(){ $("#addShipDiv").show(); }); $("#addShipDBcancel").click(function(){ $("#addShipDiv").hide(); $("#addShipDB").hide(); $('#colorVal').val(''); $('#IMO').val(''); $('#shipText').val(''); $('#IMOmessage').val(''); }); $('.icon') .popup() ; $(function () { $("#name").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { console.log("ship name autocomplete: " + request.term); request.term = request.term; $.ajax({ url: 'api/find_ship_name.php', type: "post", //async: false, data: { 'name': request.term, //request.term, }, success: function(data) { console.log("success"); console.dir(data); let input = JSON.parse(data); console.dir(input); autocompleteArr = []; (x, i) => { let val = { "label": x.shipName, "desc": x.shipType, "IMO": x.shipImo, }; autocompleteArr.push(val); }) console.dir(autocompleteArr); response(autocompleteArr); }, focus: function( event, ui ) { $( "#project" ).val( ui.item.label ); return false; }, error: function(e) { console.log("search name error"); } }) }, select: function( event , ui ) { desc = ui.item.desc; label = ui.item.label; IMO = ui.item.IMO; console.log("selected focus: " + ui.item.label + " desc: " + ui.item.desc); $('#name').html(label + " (" + desc + ")"); $('#name').val(label + " (" + desc + ")"); $("#IMO").val(IMO); $('#name').show(); $('#addShipDB').show(); return false; }, minLength: 3 }) .autocomplete( "instance" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) { return $( "
  • " ) .append( "

    " + item.label + "
    " + item.desc + "

    " ) .appendTo( ul ); }; }); function imoInputEvent() { var x = document.getElementById("IMO").value; if (x.length < 7) { document.getElementById("IMOmessage").innerHTML = "Номер IMO должен состоять из 7 цифр"; $('#addShipDB').hide(); } else if (x.length == 7) { document.getElementById("IMOmessage").innerHTML = "IMO номер правильный."; $('#addShipDB').show(); } else if (x.length > 7) { document.getElementById("IMOmessage").innerHTML = "Номер IMO должен состоять из 7 цифр, вы ввели больше!"; $('#addShipDB').hide(); } } $(document).ready(function(){ $('.tabmenu .tabitem').tab(); });

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  • Find vessel Ks Hermes 2, IMO: 9151254 MMSI: 440001760 live marine traffic ship tracker. Current vessel position live on map, free. SAT and AIS (2024)


    How to find ship location? ›

    Finding a vessel's exact location along its journey and getting details about it only takes seconds, using its name or MMSI/IMO number. Tracking websites like Visi-Fleet or mobile apps that aggregate data from all vessel monitoring systems (VMS) offer accurate information on any ship.

    How to track marine vessels? ›

    MarineTraffic makes use of AIS vessel tracking technology to record 800 million vessel locations each month, while its database also includes information on ships, such as when and where they were built.

    Is there a free ship tracker? ›

    The information of vessels positions provided by MarineTraffic is available in KML format, which is used by the Google Earth application. Google Earth is freely available for personal use and provides very detailed and efficient browsing in world's satellite maps.

    What is the IMO number used for? ›

    The IMO ship identification number scheme was introduced in 1987 through adoption of resolution A. 600(15), as a measure aimed at enhancing "maritime safety, and pollution prevention and to facilitate the prevention of maritime fraud". It aimed at assigning a permanent number to each ship for identification purposes.

    Can you track where a cruise ship is? ›

    Websites such as CruiseMapper, Marine Vessel, Cruising Earth and ShipCruises offer live ship location tracking, speed, position, itinerary information and even the weather conditions of the ship's route.

    Is there a free GPS tracking? ›

    GPSWOX is an award-winning, industry leading telematics company that lets Android users download a free-to-use GPS tracking app. The GPSWOX Family Locator app can be quickly downloaded from the Google Play store and an account can be created in minutes.

    How can I get MarineTraffic for free? ›

    Questions and answers

    Anyone with a MarineTraffic account can start a free trial. If you do not have a MarineTraffic account, you will be prompted to set one up when you click on a “Try 7-days free" button. Once you complete the registration process, your 7-day Free Trial will start automatically.

    How to track a container vessel? ›

    To track a container location you need to specify the container number/Bill of lading/Booking number and the shipping line. Using any of theses three references you can track a container and see where the container is. Marine Traffic – Track any ...Ship-Tracking.net ›

    Marine Traffic - Track any ship or vessel anywhere in the world! Are you looking for one of the best vessels tracking service worldwide? Well, you're on the...
    Ships' Location Live Map. Find out information and vessel positions for vessels around the globe. Search ships in our database of more than 80000 active and...
    Real-time vessel tracking with one of the best and most accurate coverage worldwide.

    How do I find the position of a ship? ›

    I. Four ways of ship positioning
    1. Dead reckoning. Dead reckoning is a technique to deduce the ship's position at a given moment by applying to a known position on the sea chart a series of vectors representing courses and speed. ...
    2. Landmark fix. ...
    3. Celestial fix using sextant. ...
    4. Electronic navigational aids.

    Is there an app to see where ships are? ›

    MarineTraffic displays near real-time positions of ships and yachts worldwide.

    How to track vessel arrival? ›

    The easiest and fastest way to track freight shipment is to use online vessel tracking websites or apps. Such tools feature a search function that can communicate a detailed list or display an icon on advanced density maps.

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    Article information

    Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6658

    Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

    Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1992-10-31

    Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

    Phone: +6111989609516

    Job: Chief Farming Manager

    Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

    Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.