The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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JU DAYTON WORKHOUSE PANIC A LOCAL RESHET PRISONERS DEMANDING OOD wireless DAYTON TOLL REDUCED CONNECTICUT UP ROM GOV COX 200 DEAD IN SOUTH END CITY a STORM SWEEPS THE VALLEY SPRINGIELD SENDS HELP st? NEW RECORD MADE IIP NORTH RELIE UND IS UNDERWAY' RIVER BOOMS AT SPRINGIELD IRST OERINGS $2000 Aid the UND RELIE DAY TOTAL NEARLY $2000 IRST 25 Continued on Page 18 Til El WEATHER of oresters IB Westfield of LOOD SCENE IN CINCINNATI 1 2" 1 reach Zanes 1 i appeal for aid from Spring flood sufferers of the middle 1 1 1 1 1 this morning the Connec river at Springfield had risen to 18 25 25 1 1 off Mt Those lied 25 25 25 Ready Response to thte "Call fqr rom the Middle West Gov Secretary Thinks This Low Estimate is Incompatible With His Observations Responded Appeal for Who Have Cross The telegram was received in answer to one son 165 5050 $10588 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 30 General Conditions and orecast The weather is now generally fair throughout the West although a slight disturbance! is present in the Northwest The temperature is now rising beyond the Mississippi while at the same time freez ing temperature is overspreading the At lantic and east gulf states Generally fair weather will prevail throughout the entire country east of the Rocky mountains to day and to morrow Storm warnings are displayed on the Atlantic coast from Hat teras "to Eastport The winds along the New England coast will be west gales Steamers departing to day for European ports will have west gales diminishing with fair weather to the Grand banks orecast for 15 ew England The weather bureau report indicates for New England fair and colder to day: to morrow fair with rising temperature west gale diminishing or eastern New York fair to day and to morrow rising tempe ature Saturday: high west winds dimin ishing and becoming variable Yesterday's Weather in Springfield The rainfall yesterday was 70 of an inch The weather according to the Springfield armory report and in comparison with the corresponding day last year was as fol lows: A stirring field for the West was received from i Gov James Cox of Ohio by Mayor John A Denison SPRINGIELD 4MASS RIDAY MARCH 28 1913 TWENTY PAGES 20 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 :7 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 2 50 2 Springfield subscribers to for the flood victims the coming from the various of citizens will be taken at present by Mayor Denison who feels that the imme diate need is for money and that the Red Cross society is in a position to render aid in the most prompt and effective man ner In issuing an? earnest call to 'the citizens to give immediate support in rais ing tlie funds of money which are the first necessity in the stricken regions Mayor 'Denison commented on the celerity with which the Red Cross has been able to set its perfected machinery in operation His statement to die teople of Springfield is as follows: needs our help The need is urgent Suffering can best be re lieved by prompt remittances of money to responsible agents I urge everyone to give The proper distribution of money by the American Red Cross may be' relied upon but it is the wish of the governor of Ohio that money should be sent to the treasurer of the relief fund at Columbus and I will undertake to forward to this treasurer any subscriptions that may be sent to Mr Alden st the Springfield na tional bank or to Lie" work of raising the local fund for the Red Cross work was pushed "with much energy yesterday and the interest of the citizens' at large was from the way in which contributions flowed in from people who came voluntarily to Ralph I Alden treasurer of the Red Cross in Hampden county at the Spring field national bank or to i the counting rooms of the newspapers The contribu tions were amounts varying from $100 to 25 cents a fact showing that ail classes in the city have been moved by the stories of the misery of families robbed of their homes by water wind or fire and suffer ing exposure in the snowstorms and cold which have followed the disturbances early in the" week and of people penned last evening in a telegram which gives a graphic statement of the tragedy which the week' has brought and which shows that 'the newspaper reports of devasta tions by flood tornado and lire have not been exaggerated Springfield is already responding with broad sympathy and eager generosity to the call for help The contributions received in answer to the announcement of the raising of a local Red Cross fund yesterday ran up nearly to $2000 and it is only to be expected that tlie desperate picture given by Gov Cox will stimulate with renewed force March 27 1913 March 27 1912 At ticut feet four inches on the gauge at the Id toll bridge or a rise of two inches an hour since 11 last night when the 18 foot mark was reached A continued rise in the river brought the water up to 18 feet six: inches at 2 The river was still rising Re ports from Brattleboro Vt at that hour stated that the river had risen eight inches since midnight At 3 this morning the gauge at the old toll bridge registered 18 feet 9 inches or an increase of three inches over the mark at 2 The river at that hour was still rising Should the from Hie north continue to increase as in dicated by the midnight reports it i cer tain that the 20 foot mark will be reached this morning The heavy rainfall throughout the Con necticut watershed since Tuesday night is responsible for a freshet which already has caused considerable damage through out the Connecticut valley The river which was at the nine foot mark Tuesday morning had passed the 18 foot mark in this city at 10 lust night Similar conditions were reported throughout the entire valley considerable damage being" reported at the headwaters where the river had passedthe previous record mark by six feet At White River Junction a covered wooden bridge across the 'White river went out at 730 striking the Pas sumpsic railroad bridge which was con sidered serious danger The water at White River Junction was reported six feet higher than ever known before Traf fic north of Brattleboro on the Boston and Maine railroad was suspended early in the evening and the condition of the river at this point was reported higher than record mark of 1875 Northampton was completely' cut from Mt Tom the larger nart of the Tom line of the Northampton street rail way being under two feet of water during the day The water at Northampton had reached 16 feet above low water mark yesterday noon and last evening the 18 foot mark was almost reached At Hol yoke it' was reported at 9 o'clock last evening that 10 feet of water was running over the crest of lhe dam and It was pre dicted that tlie high" water mark of 1901 would be reached when the water attained a hight of 1135 feet Reports from Westfield indicated that the Westfield river has risen several feet since Wednesday night and that all the lowlands long the river were completely covered Traffic on the Springfield Line of the street railway company was interfered with and cars had to stop using the track at roghole at 530 o'clock The section of East Main street was submerged and the public playground and a part of the Tekoa country club golf course were submerged The rainfall up to was 208 inches making a total' of 267 inches that fell Wednesday and yesterday At 10 o'clock last evening reports from Hartford stated that the river was 2010 feet above low water mark an average rise of 3 inches an hour since noon No damage of importance was reported The rainfall in tins city for the storm which began Tuesday afternoon and ended yesterday afternoon amounted to about 261 inches to the lood Vic up in the higher stories of business blocks around which the flood 1 current swirls with no chance ''of checking or' escaping tlie flames spreading in many sections or of getting food until tlie arrival of funds makes possibly the broad organization of rescue work Business firms and individuals have joined in contributing In contributions of $100 a total of $1000 was raised swiftly among the wealthier people of the city and with equally sincere thanks have been re ceived the smaller gifts People have real ized that many small gifts can do good but still the response to the call for con tributions is not as widespread as could Tied Up haie been' Liver YEAR DAILY NUMBER 2 THREE CENTS EIGHT DOLLARS A YEAR 8 1 A 1 11 SA U'E BO I I' WEEKLY IN 1824 DAILY IN 1844 SUNDAY IN 1878 State 'Troop Start on oot rom Troy for Dayton The 'state troops who arrived at Troy Wednesday night with provisions for Dayton have been stranded and find it impossible to go forward The number of dead at Piqua is officially reported as 20 Twenty five deaths from the flood have been reported st Troy so far One third of the town is cut off from gas electricity and water supply A trainload of provi sions has arrived The provisions are be ing distributed so that there is no danger from hunger One half of the state troops left Troy yesterday on foot for Dayton following the tracks of the railroad 'Celina Reservoir Safe smaii sized panic which hit ort Wayne Ind when a rumor was received that the reservoir at Celina had brok en was quelled in its incipieney by a tele phone report from St Marys Three hundred men who had toiled under pres sure had succeeded in gaining control of a crumbling portion of the reservoir walls 60 feet in width The rumor of a break at St Marys came in a message to the local weather bureau Residents of the lowlands at ort Wayne were warned and fled 'to higher grounds Negotiable Paper Protected Gov Cox yesterday issued a proclama tion at Columbus declaring a holiday in all districts of the flooded Ohio for the next 10 days This was done to protect negotiable paper that might be subject to presentation It Passes the 18 oot Mark on Gauge at the Old Toll Many Wild Rumors 1'nnnps unable to house and the mayor would be found dead or alive North of Burns avenue as far as ourth street the water was found to be from three to six feet deen Rewind nnrr street the water has receded to make it trustworthy information that her daughter hundreds safe whom it possible in many places to proceed on foot I 10 I wa? were lost Lnless increased by rom ourth street to the Big Miami river I has 80 cruelly treated that she ha a death list in the foreign settlement on 1 1 0 1 A1 I Kx 1 ueen uriveu muu uuu iuul ucr uvuv i as yet unreacned there ered with bruises "Miss Scott Troy of may not be more than 200 the HUJP I'll 4 4 A 1 I 1 i i i i a i ton the death list grew rapidly yesterday nnzl tavo I All but a few of those hundreds of per sons who have been marooned in the down town section of flooded Dayton since Tuesday morning are safe This wfas the news brought out late yesterday by an Associated staff manthe first to suc ceed in'th? perilous task penetrating as far north as the Big Miami river which runs through the center of the town Chief of Allaback himself marooned who has been directing the rescue work gave the first itfformation as to the sit uation in wnat has heretofore been the water bouna district Except' for possible loss of life on the north side of the river there will not be more than 200 dead in Dayton according to estimate after he had been given information as to the situation on the south side I Thq worst condition found near the cen ter of the flood was in the workhouse Iwhere 60 prisoners 'have not had a drop I of water nor bit of food since Tuesday The men revolted Tuesday night and de I mantled their liberty and a chance to fight I for their lives Since then the workhouse has been a madhouse according to Super I intendent Johnson The prisoners repeated I fOllffht xvitL Tnhnon nnd tn Kill both him flrin nis family asked' that a detachment of the national I i guard be assigned to help him handle the I ueu UCVMUCR lllttl tlie priUlirn WUIHU 1 1 hove to be shot if they escaped from their daughter No word has been heard from Mayor The chief of police had been get near tne did not know electric light plant is tiirjtened Rail road ami trolly lines arc tied up OHIO RELIE TRAIN STRANDED lood conditions along Ohio are 41 a Dm! xs zx irtA nr a a HZICVATT I rr PAU' 1 rv Il ri IHU UlllII'U VliJUllV iai i i IUU i natVlfih JI 1 Z'orllnr at UViYrttn Aiolonjlr mJ 1 of a empire dana and Kentucky are inundated Still EMERSON SEE ZELIE higher stages and further damage is pre I dieted' lood conditions Virginia Here are the the relief fund names tri ven agencies that received subscriptionh orbes Ac Wallace employes orbes Ac Wallace' company 3 be Republican company Joseph Wesson Smith red Ley Co' Albert Steiger company Skinner Herbert Myrick The Spriugtield Union II Brooks i orbes Wallace relief association National equipment company HI Stone company Samuel Bowles Griffin IV Simons Mrs Harold Wesson Mrs James Abbe Bowman Parsons Ralph Ellis Kinsman A Damon Mrs Judson Strong Meekins Packard Wheat rank Page Henry Perkins company Springfield public market Stone rederick Allis of Amherst 1 11 ewes Richard Carlisle City of Homes court Oscar Ireland Walter Robinson A Langtry Charles Clarke of Henry Waldron A friend Springfield lodge Winifred Hooker John Stebbins A friend Hammett Seabury Osteyee A Oppenheimer Irving Sliuart Mrs II A friend A friend Charles Rogers A friend George Riley A friend' A Giiiconla Williams Anonymous A friend A friend A Cash A friend A friend A friend A friend Anonymous Mildred A friend A friend A friend A friend Cash A friend A friend Newsboy Other subscribers Total 139 60 1 11 $194361 Attorney General of Great Resents Lord Robert of liicatlonl ig The ministerial transactions in shares gave rise to some sharp exchanges I between counsel and Sir Rufus Isaacs the attorney general' at sitting I of tlie parliamentary committee of inquiry at London Lord Robert Cecil subjected the a ttornev ceneral to such searching I questioning that Sir Rufus hotly turned MINING DISTRICT DELUGED and asked if he were casting imputations fc on his personal honor and integrity Sir Rufus added demand that a charge 'be plainly formulated I am en titled to that kind of justice which is Lord Robert WESTERN NEW YORK turn out that there was ground for sug 4 gesting corruption he ought to put the charge plainly but he continued: is another charge: requiring investigation bpsvpwittki cttt cm nnmclv whothor vnin onndimt bs been I XtxoxKv OIKS STILL INTACT such that those who did not know you and your character might form an ad verse opinion and whether if people did I it who were less scrupulous than you are it might not have been done with a corrupt Kentucky Pennsylvania and West The inquiry arose out of the admission Virginia Inundated by Rising of Sir Rufus Isaacs that he had taken Rivers and Many Villages 10000 shares of an American wireless Are Submerged enmn xvliirh Im hfl disnoSftCi I A A a SA I of to liavid Lioya ueorge cnanccuior oi tlie exchequer and the master of Elibank the chief liberal whip at about time when the British government was negoti ating a huge contract for the establish ment GREAT NEED APPEAL 3 Deaths from the floods in Chillicothe will not exceed 25 ac cording to latest advices Earlier ret orts WOro fviAvi OAi i irzNN it lost lives had been A report from Linton Ind gave 16 per sons drotvned at Howesville 25 milci Authorities nt estimate a death list of at Alarmist reports were frequent during the day In most cases these were quick ly contradicted Rumors that the grand Vear had btoken CJ Nimilar reports about the Lewiston reservoir likewise were lOlITJfl fA Virt im wrtA ffL vv uuuuc1 urearened breaks in ox J' rrei rePar ard reports to Gov Columbus last night indicated that the danger from this source was past WATER WATTlffS! QTTTTTiT'XTnCT he had 4 ofnpob Reported to Have in nny Collapsed at Zanesville toward It is believed at Zanesville the lives have been lost in the disastrous flood avwa mH uh supplies naa i uuiuwg iuo env and virinitv 'Of safety and those RIEDMANN PATIENTS BETTER grasp Over half tbn I AJ UL1UC1 ov feet of water ifteen thousand persons are homeless A score of buildings weak ened by the water collapsed yesterday I Last night the supply company at Second and Main streets caught tire It is not believed the fire will spread The Muskingum and the Licking rivers are still rising at Zanesville Relief is needed at once Only one telephone line I connects Zanesville with the outside world and it fails frequently The weather has I turnon cola and homeless are Rufferinc intensely The food supply is almost ex hausted I'rom the hills around Zanesville the survivors looked down on a scene of the utmost desolation What had been two rivers was one death dealing property destroying stream Over 600 homes have I been swept away Although manv persons were saved it is believed 150 Is a con servative estimate of the fatalities I Late yesterday two unknown young men in a skiff rescued eight persons from roofs I their homes As the boat struggled through the swift flood water it was sud denly upset All the occupants were swept to their deaths More than 30 bodies were scon floating in tlie raging water yester day but it was impossible to reach any of them with safety Ilclicf headquarters have been estab lished in a fire station The city hall is surrounded by 15 feet of water while the water reaches the second floor of the Musk ingum county court house where a nnm ber of persons have been marooned for 30 hours The gas supply was still on last night but there was no water or electric light Many persons sought shelter in the opera house block but a part of that building fell in yesterday and tlie police ordered all persons out of the building A four story building occupied by a music company col lapsed causing a heavy Joss According to information'last night relief has been scut from Cambridge by wagons but it is aountiui wnetner it can ville East Liverpool Traffic More than 1000 families driven from their: homes at MAIN STREET AT DAYTON It was through this that the water has been running several feet deep This picture was taken last fall and shows what flood conditions In a city are like the desire to aid His telegram addressed to Mayor Denison and received at 7 o'clock last night read as Our state is suffering the greatest life and property loss in its history Thousands arc drowned The prop erty loss is hundreds of millions and a Quarter million people are homeless To night our railroads a re paralyzed and we can use money hy express rather than supplies from distant points by freight Aid' oar suffering people all you can Make checks payable to Col Wilson Treasurer Ite llef und 1 Columbus SHARP RETORT BY SIR RUUS lflfin A D17 A A JU JLV JUJ 21 JJ lb VI JUlEV Britain Method MRS riend of American Suffraget to Visit I have become serious Eastern Pennsyl American Embassy in London To I vania is suffering severely'Many anthra day cite mines are shut down Vandalism in Mrs Emerson of Detroit Mich who West Indianapolis causeda threat of mar went to London because of the impris tial law Several deaths from ''Arnwnino Johnson onment of her daughter Miss Zelie Emcr ha vef occurred Organized relief worklhas I I son a suffraget was yesterday reruseci per cen oegun in Indiana flood districts 1 mission by the prison authorities to see Northern and western New York are flood I I 1 I i zv1 TT miss zene Jamerson was buha xieavy property has fol I sentenced along with Miss bylvia Lank I toea in me Hudson and Mohawk valleys I hurst to serve a two mon term for win and in the western part of the southern I dow smashing Both of them went on hun tier Phillips few das go medical In esnmates oJhe loss of life in Whether I a statement which she issued Pank I 5 received last night give hurst after describing ner own sunenngs i eiyuuu ior nope tliat the dead in all sec declared that Miss Emerson was practically tions affected by The flood will not exceed a physical wreck 200 and may go below that figure Dar Mrs Emerson says 'thht'she has received I investigators who penetrated tlie flood i ix i eu jseciifin rovon ioh hHH iTArtr I OUJH Wiium 11 1 xi i I irareu were lost unless inrrpfled hr has been so cruelly treated that she has a death list in the foreign setrbXfn? relief work was taken up by a committee been driven mad and that her body is cov the north side as yet unreached there headed by Chief Allaback All of the gro I ered with bruises "Miss Scott Troy of may not be more than 200 dead in the eery stores were commandeered and al San rancisco announced last night that whole city rom other points than Dav though in most cases the goods were cov she would head a deputation of American ton the death list grew rapidly ered with water yet sufficient supplies were women to accompany Mrs Emerson to the and last night Estimates are that 70000 found to prevent great suffering among I American embassy to day to demand the persons are marooned in flooded those in the interior dry strip I intervention in behalf of the district where 15000 homes have been While there may be many deaths in in woman The dividual homes which have been without i Diatritutinir ood in Adrianople in the city is ficurRd nt nvf nnn food or drink there was no place but the I The Bulgarian council of ministers at I There was far heavier ios nf Ufa in fOr2je aDybpnsidcrabld'numberT Sofia has 'decided to distribute flour and the nest side of Columbus than was SHW OM Wta placed actual starvation was found Knowledge I among the poorer inhabitants of Adriano ber of dead at more than 600 Apparently that the death list is likely to prove so without distinction bf religion or na oVj11" from Piqua vindicated low the downtown section last night gave tionality Crowds tilled the streets of Sofia Ji 7 ere there: rom Hamilton rise to a hope that even in North Dayton throughout Wednesday night rejoicing Jr jo persons were reported drowned in about which nearly all hope had been aban over the fall of the Turkish stronghold aiJse a hotel where they had cloned there might be comparatively few Thousands of people joined in an enthusi IwenU' five deaths were deaths I astic demonstration in front of the various or onl roy 30 in Middletown The citMiral xt I fnrpifr lAfrntinnR I J1J uiCt UI3l enuoe in tne i i wnforiwmnd I ujaviaui surrender i remainre 4 i vaier Douna district was greeted by ap I I ordinx to latest advices peais tor bread and water In nearly everv ut lIie buncuuw Ui VJttUU house left standing wistful faces were to ra8ha commander of the 7th Turkish be seen pressed against window panes All army with' 15000 Ottoman troops of these were asked if there had been nnv I announced in Cettinie on Tuesday was atns ana with very few exceptions re I premature The negotiations between the south of Terre Haute nilPH tnoro hftr? 141 I oc I I vav uou hui Jiiuiougn neartenea oerian auu xurKisii cvmmiuiatTs are uui i Peru Ind nws from the flood interior yet complete 1 150 itov oxs secretary Mr Burba: was urnr Pone Continues to Imnrove I Iy able to credit the iz XHvszxw US I I Ill'll a A Will lllnl A rvi I 4 4 4 we Ulf 1 1 rl liftel A I own investigations of the southern districts ouu uuu a the day no was unable to believe that the death list relaPse was circulation at Rome yes contradicted 41 II It I lin nri 1 urni I 4 1 1 xL At I Mew uuuri mere are JO (KM) I leraay ouv we auwormes at ine cancan I and the doctors in attendance on his holi fminri i Giese are ness deny the report adding that his prog be the greatest miracle of I ress toward recovery continues although me tune slowly It was impossible to approach within I No Word on Chinese Loin seveial blocks of the fire zone even in the I Sir Edward Grey the British foreign canoe mt there appeared every indica I secretary reiterated in the House of Com in i 4 li 4 4 1 I 1 nouse had not been mons yesterday the statement that iHirneu nna that the fire had been xu to the blocks beyond Jefferson and Third no 'formation from the streets The 30d tiL aiA 1 States government as to its change hotel have been keTrnmfn ic in the Chinese loan but that fZ case the attitude of Great Britain would spread to them Th the transaction remained unchanged to the second floor but all supplies had hanil IHAVA1 4 1 a In the hotel experienced little discomfort Adjl Gcn Wood Injured Official Report rom Hospital in New A report which had been current in the Comment hy Government water district soutli of Main street that SnrKeon Adjt Gen Wood had been fatally injured Seven of the 30 patients whom Dr ried by falling plate glass proved to be untrue I riedmann inoculated with his Gen Wood now is in full charge of the re tuberculosis vaccine at the hospital for de licf work and although his arm had been I fortuities and joint diseases at New York Two hundred Kcriols last week have shown marked improve wo nunared wornon nnd bfibicw found I i i refuge in a paint factory in North Dayton ment' to a statement yesterday where it is believed they have found suf I by Dr Henry rauenthal head of the ficient food to keep them from acute suf I hospital staff Several of these cases are tO be at I 10 nn1 the othcrs five stand The suburb of Riverdale up to Helena inK tO held her knees street had been penetrated by the down fiveoarJ D(r auen tmrrri i I tlinl said The other 23 patients treated mmi sion and conditions I were cases and no reports from found much similar to those in the soutli their homes have been received at the hos ern suburbs Every one has been crowd pital At this institution Dr riedmann ed to the second floors or roofs of their I treated 21 new cases yesterday the public health service at ings were washed away Nothing is known of the foreign settlement in North Day ashington can determine the efficacy of ton close to the Miami river It was this I riedmann's remedy it must have his part of the city where the flood first made I vaccine and know the method of its prep its way and where the occupants of the I aration and administration This infor houses badignored warnings to leave It I mat ion is still withheld by the Berlin pbv was here also that it was feared most of I sician and the government surgeons are the deaths would occur The only body I proceeding a rapidly as posible with a found was that of Charles Parker a liv I study of cultures he has submitted Be eryman discovered in the court house yard I fore the examination is concluded how KillmatM of the Loss ever it will be necessary for the surgeons I to study tlie vaccine and all its proper i The following is a tabulated estimate of ties I conditions last Mistbt: Dead accurate es I To expedite the government investiga I timates impossible 70000 persons ma I tion Surgeon General Blue announced ves rooned 15000 residences submerged 120 I terday the appointment of Surgeon areets inundated 5000 persons Lavinder of the public health service as a Provided for in rescue stations oOO horses member of the commission of investiga killed 1000 automobiles damaged These tion The 60 patients now under treatment were tentative figures of damage that in New York are regarded by Dr Blue as Da'ton pecuniary loss at $25 an insufficient number upon which to reach 000000 estimated by persons who had ex I quick conclusions' He believes 200 or plored part of the flood area morc should be inoculated Dr La vinder Several statisticians estimated the loss 'with Dr A Stimson will observe the at a higher figure but most expert opinion I inoculated patients I agreed on $25000001 It was said 2000 I 7 I residences were damaged to the extent of CLAUDE ALLEN must die I $2000 each 6000 hom*os ware classified un I 1 er damage figures of $1000 and it was I Just before he left Richmond yes believed 7000 could not be repaired for less I terday for Trenton Gov Mann again a ntive figure of $2000000 and it was lo Swanson Allen who will be executed in illo nmA nAiiU I the state Dcmtentiarv this mnrninir ii I of stores igures available at manufac I Ms aged father loyd Allen for their I pool 5000 potters have deprived taring plants which suffered placed dam I part in the Hillsville court house murders of employment temporarily nnd the city on March 14 1012 Many prominent citi I waterworks are out of commission as the Continued on Page ZJ zens interceded in his behalf result of the flood in the Ohio river The be desired and as a true representation of the city demands Everybody can help and with the appeal of Gov Cox before them the citizens must feel their oppor tunity to do what is in their power to day The Republican will continue gladly to co operate the work 'of relief by re ceiving contributions at its counting room and forwarding them to the Red Gross Tlie business office is open from the regular bus iness opening hours in the morning until late in the evening so that contributions can be made there after the bank closing hours and all offerings will be received with appreciation and acknowledged day by day in the morning columns In deciding to call a mass meeting of the citizens Mayor Denison has been moved by the feeling that great national organizations like the Red Cross would be better able to move swiftly hi the work of extending succor to the sufferers than any citybody which could be formed and s' Continued on Page 2 senUon Wednesday by Mayor Dem wnicli read: of Springfield Mass will organize to render aid if you desire 4 Jlajor Appeal NoTaction toward calling a mass meeting 7 is? 131 i A A L' Tr'" 5 1 I MP 5 I Sy IB i I10TH i rj I i I rAT I 1111 1 nni aiwww 'V 4 hV' jj AlliflofeL br i a Ls rWinrilMl! i S' 4 4 "cf s' v' Vs' Zx''zv 4 Xv rt s' 4 4 s' 2 5 ''r "7 NEaSfMfflHdrr st 4 'V I I rr UbbrAl A tions 7 am 2 pm 9 pm 7 am 2 pm 9 pm Barometer 29 i5 2945 2945 2964 2968 296s Ther Dry 42 61 37 31 50 42 Wet 41 59 34 30 42 36 Cloudiness JO IO 5 0 0 Wind SW KW SW SW NE NB Ei of tem 61 and 32 62 and S3 4.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.