Travelling with baby - the essentials you'll need (2024)

Planning your maiden voyage over land, sea or air with your little one is an incredibly exciting time; the first of many family adventures together and exploring the big wide world. However, along with the picture-postcard visuals you may have in your mind's eye, there is the small matter of getting there.

While the prospect of travelling with your baby might be a little daunting, with a bit of forward planning you can ensure your journey is as smooth and stress-free as possible — so you can focus on making memories!

We’ve put together a guide with some key considerations for travelling abroad with baby, including applying for their first passport and essential items to pack. We’ve also shared some of our favourite items for travel, both for the journey itself and for when you get there.

Happy planning!

When can I start travelling with my baby?

First of all, you may be wondering how soon after having your baby can you travel with them – which is an incredibly good question! While travelling with your baby immediately after giving birth may not be high on your to-do list, there may be reasons why travelling is necessary. Most airlines stipulate that your baby must be at least two weeks old to travel, although this can vary. Some airlines may accept babies at just a week old or request a ‘fit-to-fly letter from your GP before permitting you both to fly.

If your baby has been delivered by Caesarean section, you may have to wait a little longer – until (at least) after your six-week postnatal check up. Another thing to bear in mind is that some travel insurance policies may not cover you until three months post C-section – even if you have a ‘fit to fly’ certificate.

What about baby vaccinations travelling?

Another thing to consider before you travel with a baby is their immature immune system. While babies carry their mother’s immunity for a short time following birth, their immunity starts to wane in the weeks after (although breastfed babies will have passive immunity for longer thanks to the antibodies in breast milk). Some health professionals recommend keeping travel to a minimum and waiting a couple of months if possible before travelling on a plane. Taking a very young baby on public transport or amongst large crowds could increase their chances of picking up colds or other infections.

Does my baby need their own passport?

If you are planning on leaving the UK for a holiday abroad with your baby, he or she will need a passport. The good news is that for babies under the age of one, the rules are a little more relaxed. Check out Passport Office guidelines in full if you are planning to take the photos yourself, or take your baby to get them done professionally.

You can apply for your baby’s passport online and will then need to send relevant supporting documentation to verify your child’s identity. This includes:

  • Two colour photographs (these must be signed on the reverse by a suitable ‘countersignatory’ for identification purposes.
  • Full birth certificate
  • Proof of nationality as well as any valid passports from a different country
  • Any court orders relating to the child

Check processing times for passports before booking

When booking a holiday or flights for your family, be sure to factor in enough time for the new passport to arrive. Processing times fluctuate, so it’s useful to check current lead times with the Passport Office — and don’t book a holiday until have received it.

How long does a baby passport last for?

A baby passport will last for five years before you have to reapply. You may also need to apply for a visa for your baby, depending upon the country you plan to visit. Always check the individual requirements for your destination country.

What other documents do I need to travel with my baby?

A baby needs no additional documentation to travel outside of the UK other than their passport – unless they have a different surname to you, in which case you will need to show proof of your relationship such as their birth certificate. You may also have to produce documentation signed by another person who shares parental responsibility to confirm their permission for you to take them out of the country.

Considerations when travelling with a baby

So, you have the passport, you’ve booked the tickets, now it’s time to get planning your first trip! Some key things to bear in mind, include:

  • Allow plenty of time to plan: Generally, a great piece of advice is to book well in advance of when you want to travel. Not only will this ensure you get the best deals, but will also allow you to choose your seats on a train or plane, and have plenty of time to plan the finer details of your adventure.
  • Layer up in appropriate clothes: Now matter your method of transport, dressing your baby in comfortable, weather-appropriate clothes is really important. It’s a good idea to use layering so you can easily react to temperature changes during the journey.
  • Stay hydrated: Keeping yourself and your baby hydrated is essential when travelling. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s especially important to drink plenty of fluids as well as ensuring you eat regularly to maintain your energy levels as well as boost your milk supply.
  • Maintain a consistent routine: If you can plan your trip so your baby's regular feeding and sleeping schedule is minimally affected, this could make for a smoother, less stressful journey.
  • Pack wisely: Make a list a few days before you leave, and stick to it. Consider packing your baby's clothes and essentials in a separate bag so you can easily find them during your trip.
  • Book during term time: To save money, book outside of school holiday times when the prices drop considerably in some cases. Resorts will also be less crowded.

Travelling by plane with a baby

Travelling by plane allows you to get to far flung destinations – and pretty quickly, compared to other methods of transport. Planning ahead allows you to choose a flight that aligns with your baby's sleep schedule. For long haul flights, some parents may prefer a night flight so the conditions are optimal for sleep, however, for others, a daytime flight is more appealing as it comes without the pressure of baby settling when people are trying to sleep.

Do babies need their own seat on the plane?

Babies under the age of two are not required to have their own seat on a plane and can travel as a 'lap-infant', which means they will need to sit on your knee for the duration, secured by a safety strap. You may be charged a percentage of the full adult fare for your infant, or for the cost of a child’s fare you could book a separate seat for your little one. This is a great idea for longer distances (if you can afford to do so) as it gives you more space and options.

If you do purchase a seat for your child, you’ll need to use an airline-approved car seat for them to sit safely in. There may be the option to reserve one from the airline (do this before your trip as they may be available on a first-come, first-served basis), or bring your own, checking first that it meets any necessary requirements of the airline.

Top tips for travelling by plane with a baby

Only pack what you need

Bring all the necessary items for your baby, including nappies, wipes, formula or breast milk, bottles, baby food, extra clothing, blankets, and any comfort items your baby may need. Carry-on essentials: Pack a separate bag with baby essentials for easy access during the flight. Include items like nappies, wipes, a change of clothes, snacks, toys, and any medications your baby (or yourself) may need. If you’re breastfeeding you may also like to bring a nursing cover to create a private space for your baby to enjoy his lunch. Ensure you are familiar with the airline's regulations on carry-on items and liquids.

Select seats in advance that offer convenience and comfort

Bulkhead seats with a bassinet attachment are ideal for long-haul flights. Bear in mind that there may only be a limited number of bassinets available (so ask well in advance) and they are typically designed for babies weighing less than 27.5lbs (12.5kg). Alternatively, choose an aisle seat for easier access and movement.

Protect little ears from pressure changes

When travelling by plane, the changes in pressure can cause discomfort or pain to your baby’s ears, and be particularly uncomfortable if they have a cold or an ear infection. One thing you can do to alleviate any discomfort is feed your baby his milk during take off and landing when the pressure changes could be most dramatic. If your baby cries, this can be good to relieve pressure too – so don’t panic!

Entertainment and distractions

Pack a variety of toys, books, and other age-appropriate entertainment options to keep your baby engaged and occupied during the flight. Avoid electronic toys with irritating noises to spare the ears (and patience!) of fellow passengers.

Be mindful of others

As you will know all too well, babies can be a little unpredictable and it's important to be considerate to other passengers. If your baby becomes fussy or cries during the flight, do your best to soothe and comfort them – but also remember to go easy on yourself. Many people travelling will have been there themselves and most will show understanding and empathy.

Check your weight limit before travelling

It’s always a good idea to check your airline's weight restrictions (for hand and hold luggage) before you travel, as well as any additional items you may be permitted to check in when travelling with a baby.

Make use of the airport’s facilities

Many airports have dedicated areas to cater for families including family washrooms, soft play areas and family lanes through security.

Check an airline’s specific policies before you book/travel

Before you book/travel, familiarise yourself with your airline’s policies regarding infant travel. Just because one airline offers something in its policy, not all airlines offer the same. For example, the rules for Easyjet travelling with a baby may differ from a competitor airline.

Check out airport and your airline’s rules on fluids

Double check what you are permitted to take through security and in hand luggage ahead of your trip.

Pack up the essentials for easy-access on the plane

The latest government advice says that when travelling with a baby from a UK airport you are allowed to take enough baby food, baby milk and sterilised water for the journey. There is no legal limit to how much you can take, however, as noted above, always check for the most recent advice before you travel.

You can carry breast milk in your hand luggage, even if you’re not travelling with a baby – although frozen breast milk must be put into your hold luggage. The permitted volume of breast milk you are allowed to take per container is 2,000 ml, according to and this will have to be screened at airport security. The containers may also have to be opened by security staff in order to screen the liquid.

Travelling by car with a baby

If you’re holidaying in the UK, it’s highly probable that you’ll be doing so by car. This can be advantageous in the early days of parenthood as you’re in control, can stop off whenever you choose, and there are no restrictions around what to take (as long as it fits in the boot!). It can also be a great practice run for future travel overseas.

The down side to travelling by car is that you’re responsible not only for your baby, but for everything else along the way too.

Top tips for travelling by car with your baby

Plan your route

Before you start your journey, plan your route in advance, considering the best and safest roads to take. Be aware of any road closures, construction, or potential traffic jams. It’s also a good idea to try and plan your journey around nap times.

Schedule breaks

Babies need regular breaks to stretch, feed, and have their nappies changed – plus they should not be in a car seat for any longer than two hours at a time. Plan for frequent stops at least every couple of hours, or depending on your baby’s schedule.

Pack essentials

Bring all the necessary items your baby will need during the journey, such as nappies, wipes, formula or breast milk, bottles, extra clothes, blankets, and any favourite toys, books or comfort items.

Safety first

Ensure your baby's car seat is properly installed and meets the appropriate safety standards. Double-check the straps and harnesses for a snug and secure fit. Never leave your baby unattended in the car.

Block out the sun

Use window shades or sun protectors to shield your baby from direct sunlight. This will help keep the car cooler and protect their sensitive skin.

Travelling by train or bus

Travelling by train with a baby can be a fun and convenient way to explore new places – and unlike travelling by plane, train or bus travel comes with no restrictions on the items you take with you – although it’s always recommended to pack as lightly as you can as you’ll still be responsible for lugging it all around!

Plan your journey

Research the train schedule and book your tickets in advance, choosing direct routes where possible – and try to avoid rush hour! Seats near the aisle or with extra legroom are preferable, while seats situated near the toilets on many trains offer more space for a pushchair.

Consider your baby’s schedule

It’s also a good idea to travel at a time that aligns with your baby's schedule so they sleep for some (or if you’re lucky!), all of the journey.

Baby wearing

A baby carrier or sling is a great idea when travelling by bus or train as it allows you to be hands-free. Not having to wrestle with your bags and wheels to get on and off a train or (whilst simultaneously handling your baby) is definitely preferable to the alternative.

Be prepared for feeding

If you're breastfeeding, find a comfortable spot on the train or use a nursing cover for privacy. If bottle-feeding, consider using pre-mixed formula or bring a thermos of hot water and pre-measured formula to prepare bottles on the go.

Take breaks

During longer train journeys, take breaks to walk around with your baby. Explore the train together, but be cautious and mindful of other passengers. Always use designated changing facilities, if available.

Stay organised

Keep your baby's essentials (nappies, wipes, food and clothes) easily accessible so you can quickly find what you need without having to dig through your luggage in the rack.

How to travel with baby – useful items you can take with you

Whether you’re travelling by plane, car, train or bus, these are some of the larger items that may be worth taking with you…

A travel bassinet or crib

While many holiday homes, villas and hotels may provide a cot for your baby to sleep in, some parents still like to use their own when travelling. Travel cots are available in a number of sizes and weights, with some ideal for packing in your hand, or hold luggage on a plane, while others are better suited to packing in the boot of your car. If you do decide to buy your own travel cot, it’s a good idea to let your baby get used to sleeping in it in the run up to your holiday, which could help him sleep better whilst you're away.

Baby Carrier

A baby carrier can also be an essential piece of kit, enabling you to stay hands free at the airport, which can be particularly useful when boarding and leaving the aircraft, as well as a lifesaver if you have to collect your stroller from baggage claim. Bear in mind that the type of carrier you choose might differ depending upon the type of holiday you're planning, as well as the age of your baby. A baby carrier can be a great choice if you’re travelling by train, particularly at busy times as it helps you easily hop on and off, without struggling with a pushchair or stroller. It can also be great if you want to explore cobbled streets and hidden passageways, or move through crowded areas on your travels – not to mention eliminate the stress of strollers and stairs!

For very young babies, slings and wraps can be the perfect choice as they allow your baby to be snuggled into you, and can be great for breastfeeding on the go too.

Lightweight stroller

Traditional prams and strollers are great for transporting your little bundle around in ultimate comfort. However, being super sturdy, well-padded and robust, often means they are far from lightweight.

Swapping your pram or traditional stroller for a lightweight version can be a stroke of genius when travelling with your baby – and if you’re travelling by plane can mean an easier transition through security and to the gate.

Umbrella strollers are the ultimate when it comes to air travel as they are super lightweight – with some airlines even permitting you to take it on board with you. However, some of the most lightweight strollers may not be suitable for very young babies as they do not recline into a fully-flat position, which is essential for their health and safety in the first few months of their life. Some models may however be compatible with an additional bassinet or cot attachment, although this will elevate the total cost. The NHS advises that unless a stroller has a fully reclining seat you should wait until your baby can sit by themselves before moving them from their pram. It’s also important to not confuse a reclining seat with one that adjusts to be completely flat. Always check individual models to ensure that they have been designed, and are safe for newborn babies with adequate padding and suspension.

A car seat

If you’re planning to hire a car when you reach your destination it could be a good idea to take your own car seat, or do some research ahead of time as to what the car rental company offers and ask any relevant safety questions. Many airlines will allow you to check in a car seat free of charge. A padded luggage bag can be advantageous to protect it from getting knocked around in the hold or around baggage claim.

Essential items for travelling with your baby

If all this talk of travel and holidays is inspiring you to start your research, here are a few products that can make life that little bit easier…

Travelling with baby - the essentials you'll need (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.