The Afro-American from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

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The Afro-Americani

Baltimore, Maryland

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8 Biggeat All Negro i The Afro American Baltimore Saturday January 1 4 1931 The Nation9! 12 North Carolina 4 WEST VIRGINIA VIRGINIA Virginia Mills of Mrs with her par gi Baltimore I rl 1 a Kate Neal siiiiiiiiiHiHwjnm ft hf'! her re ef Is tt COLDS MAY DEVELOP lOrQ Bondurant led the discussion on INTO PHEVm North Carolina and Mrs William Crippen have Creomulslon coo (Advertisem*nt) Swefling Redeced And Gerlene who has Mr Save Money on a Heating Plant estl here They Simpson were the New Mattle Student ss 5WOMEN Roh thelr the: morn Signs of at the to the Bdnd an 4 Mis was of on I Mrs A Rawlins Roanoke to social high a Nelson Lloyd Neal were I Groms Lewis entertained Les East ac Quickly Installed been is home Nroa Campbell Mrs Carrie Essex Best Remedy for Cough Is Easily Mixed at Home A Simmea Mr wauace Mr Staunton had Shiloh last A good Minor Seventh and Davis 71S Hutters Builds Healthy Bio Richard Jones is quite sick at 1 1 1 Snead 1401 ourth game New Years against Cohnower had very little ex in scoring White see them for their than Services were well attended Sunday painful stiff joints? The pianiss were: Mrs Mary KITTRELL KITTRELL Christmas onral campus was a gay affair for Robinson leming John Samuel Malkie Joseph Ruffin Willie erguson refreshments were served after all left for home wishing her a birthday i I Rosie Saylor of Germantown Pa a iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiis Pennell who is con revival atShlloh and sev eral pf their associated minlBtens: the ana has recovered i in the high at wu Dolly A nrrrrv diseases no matter OLsVIvILhow Bad er Old the Case er What's the! Cease send for REE Booklet about Dr Ranter's Treatment used success fully for over 38 years in the most severe and ehronlo cases Write now Dr Ranter4 Lake SU Ream 412 Chicago BOWLING GREEN BOWLING GREEN Va Andrew Moore on the slek list this week I A surprise party was given at the home of Miss Gwendolyn Gardner tn honor of Miss Annie leming Those present were Misses Blanche Brown Louise Jack son' Rosie Bayl'or Paulins Rich Joan King Sara Beasley Sylvia Doris Alina lmelng Messrs Dudley Pendleton James lemingJr 1 Cyrus Miller Henry Alexander John leming Montgomery Way Bam Washing ton wesiey season uonnme wiitur Banks Dainty which happy Miss has been spending some time with her per enu jar And Mn wrry Bsyjor Miss Mary Due Beverly wht hw living in xor lome him now Short Breathing Relieved Swelling (other than Tubercular and Tumorous) when caused by an unnatural collection of water In feet and ankles extending upward as the water collects and when pressure on ankles leaves a dent By reducing swelling the Short Breathing will be relieved Good results obtained in most eases Endorsed Dy thousands In use 35 years Write for REE trial package Collum Medicine Co Dept 501 Atlanta Ga (adv) 1 and Mrs George Binford to Wakefield last Sunday after I Liniment NO PAYM if 1 'U EASY TERMS GORDONSVILLE GORDGNSVILLZ Miss Ethel has re opened her school at Kountstown after spneamg tne cyuietiae ents in Richmond The Rev Harrison from his recent illness William Tvller a student school Washington DC spent the yule tide with his parents on Moyers Hill Major Winston and Cornelius Carey mo tored to Richmond during the holidays and were guests of Mr And Mrs William Ware and of i EMiss Ethel Mills Mrs Zeldai uletcher Morton supervisor teapher of Louisa Counyt spent last week in Clifton orge Miss Clara orsythe spent the week end with her parents the Rev and Mrs A orsytheli: There will be a rally for the Indebtedness of the Gordonsville public school Bunday January 18 at 3 o'clock at the Mt Cannel Baptist Church A literary program will be rendered A number: of teachers and friends will appear on the program i i The faculty is Mrs Beatrice Wood Mrs Sarah Lindsay Misses Elsie Jackson viana James and Elisabeth Collins are sponsoring this rally' nr 1 CRAIGSVILLE ORD WICK ORDWICK CTAiaaVILLE Va was no preaching Bunday the pastor be ing abegnt from Central Union tB Church Deaeon James Bell led the class His talk was "Love is Truth" taken from John Chapter BYU rendered their program at 8 pm Mrs (Samuel Johnson entertained the young people of this community at a din ner Bunday The following returned to their various schools and places of business after spend ing the holidays home: Misses Madlyn Minor and Miss Lewis who was' her Chrlsmtas guest returned to Btorer col lege: Miss Dorothy Randolph to Boker High in Staunton Miss Marie Brown to Charlottesville Miss Clara' Ruoker to Staunton Robert Randolph to ort Mon roe and Mr and Mrs Richard Shorter to aahington DC Mrs Mariah Thomas Mrs John son and Charles Brooks ware In Staunton on buslnesa last week1 Mrs James BeU lg still much indis posed WAYNESBORO WAYNESBORO Willie Leech who eame home from the North about a week ago is seriously ill in his home i Tne Rev ana Mrs tended the funeral of their uncle liam Harris aJndarv 11 ilat abers Egbert Terry TrnicipaJ of the Rosen wald school has been very sick and unable to fill his post for several days I Dr and Mrs Lomack his son in law and daughter' of Lynchburg were here aJnuary 9 and also a son and daughter in law During last the following homes and business places entertained the 'Rev Harirsthe Rv ducting a great PHOEBUS i HOEBUB Va The Rev Clow pastor of ZIop Baptist Church preached a sermon here Sunday Communion was ad ministered to large number The Bible Class will give a chocolate par ty at the residenep of and Mrs Joseph Sunday Mn Baptist ehureh church HICKORY ven riday ship Baptist tended It was sponsored by Miss Minnie Bookman Miss Menzie Henderson music director 'I I Dr i erman Brodie a dentist ef 'i Phila delphia was the guest of the Rev and Mrs Henderson during the holidays i Miss Nannie White spent the holidays a home with her parents ln Kilmarniqk and Baltimore I i Miss Verma edan spent the holidays in High Point 'The Rev Legion and the Rev! Henderspn left last riday for Glen 'Alpine to the burial of the Rev Greenelle ISamuel Mcall of High Point was the gest of thp Rev and Mrs Hender son Sunday night and Monday after i which he left for Ashville Ml Gertrude Shuford who has peen 'in New York City for some time has returned home Mr and Mrs Toliver Mr and Mrs Little john of Statesville NC were the guests of MUs Martha LBattle Sunday also Mrs Reeves of Rock Mount Mrs Mt Wells and daughter who is a student at Bennett College Miss Cook and Dr Lowell of Greensboro wgre the gupsts of Mrs Lucy and family Saturday' Mrs aithy poosley of New Ynri( City Is visiting her mother Mrs Cora Hoke ta 13th Street Mrs annie Auery of Morganton was here over the weekend to see Mrs Hanair Brad shaw who la HL Charles L' WiJUamsp' A Toliver' Dr i Abernathy of Statesville werg in the city Sunday a few hours Mi4 Pearl Brown of Cheraw 8C turutKi (Bunaay morn in lYour Hair with BIRTHS December 12 Harry and Lucy Reynolds Charlton 1310 ifth Street a son December 30 John and Claudine Hunter Ambled 1011 Third Street a daughter January 3 John Henry and Christine Harris Reid 11515 Thirteenth Street a son December 114 Samuel LeRoy and i Marie Turner Johnson 1207 Eighth Street a son daughr on her is a teacher He also visited his sister Mrs Taylor and his brothers Mr Douglass and Harris Charleston John A Stewart is still on the sick list Nelson went back to Bluefield af ter spending the week end with his fam lilv I 1 ARMVILLE ARMVILLE Va Miss Louise Hankins entertained January 7 from 8 to 13 pm in honor fo Mias Eva Logan formerly ofarmville now qf Montclair NJ Her guests Included Misse sEva Logan Ear ley Emma Greggs Marion Hankins Mr and tMrs Robert oster Mr and Mrs Stanley Clark Dr Miller Messrs James Jackson Henry Scott Mr Nooks of Salem NJ Mr Williams and Wes lev Bland Miss Eva Logan' who has been visiting her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs James Austin of Chambers Street left Thursday for Norfolk on visit before returning to Montclair NJ i Miss Hattie Branch formerly 'J of arm ville but now teaching tn New Jersey was the recent guest of Mr nd Mrs falni Lancaster i Jack so' Glome' district manager of 'the National Benefit Life Insurance i Company is confined to his home on account of 111 ness'ih One of the outstanding i events of the season was a gala wedding reception given at the home of Dmand Mrs A Baker in honor of Dr and Mrs Harry A Honesty of Washington DC Mrs Honesty was formerly Miss Eva Hilton" Mi ter ot Mrs Baker Dr and Mrs Honesty arrived in arm ville Thursday after an extensive trip which! carride them to' Philadelphia Elisa beth NJ New York andWashington" While in New York they were entertained at the amous Le Classique Studio by Mr and Mrs Ernst Moyer members of New York's smart set On Sunday Dr and Mrs Hopesty will return to Washington where they will make their home at 705 airmount Street nw: A shower was given th couple in the in WAKEIELD WAKEIELD The Rev BECKLEY BECKLEY Mr and Mrs Dandridge entertained New Eve in honor of Mrs A Brown of Ronceverte Among those present were Dr and Mrs Howard Dr and Mrs Beeks Mr and Mra Reid Mr and Mrs Wells Mr and Mrs William Blakey Mr and Mrs Jeffries I Miss Clara Majors of Lynchburg Miss Alloa Hubbard of Bluefield Institute Mrs Dorothy Booser Dr A Belton Messrs Armlstead John Patterson and Twyman uqua Mr and Mrs Jeffries entertain ed at a delightfull party Thursday qvenlng in honor of their house guest Miss Clara Majors of Lynchburg Among the out of town guests were Dr and Mrs Laws Mr and Mre Smithers Mre Brooks Pierce Miss Em ily Smithers Misa Edna Lws red Paige and John Robinson of Hinton Va Miss Beatrice erry of HUI Top Mrs A Brown of Ronceverte and Mr and Mrs Alnderson of Hinota The Narcissus Club Held their monthly social Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Berta Jones of Beckley Misses Grace Clark and Martha Wright were hostesses at a delightful party ri day evening at the home of Mr and Mrs James Wright honoring the house guest Miss Indianapolis uller of Nor Berta Jones of Street entertain ed a number of the younger set in honor of her niece Miss Ohpelia rench Janu Mr' and Mrs Morton entertained at their home on New Year's Evo In hon or of their daughter Doris of Trenton NJ and son George of Howard Uni versity nad for Miss Hazel MUchelk of affair was largely Attend ed by the younger and collegiate get Beckley and nearby cities Miss Clara Majors who has been the holiday guest of Mr and Mrs Jeff ries left for her home in Lynchburg Va Doris Morton daughter of Mr and Mrs Morton left noon for Tdenton NJ where she 1 Reserve Secretary for the YWC A The Junior League entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs James Wr Wjt Dec ember 39 for their local friends ppd for th holiday visitors In Beckley Mil mate and tee how great the saving really i i Expert! Engineering Best Materials Britten Guarantee 3:30 pm Quite a number of visitors com muned I The District Superintendent held his 4th Quarterly Conference at St Marks ME i Church Saturday at 11:30 after which a i fine: dinner was served to the District Su perintnedent and hl Ithe membeds of theConference a Tlie Rev and Mrs Ncholgiof Wattsville i were the guests of Rev ana Mrs Parker Sunday night I Mr and Mrs Charles ool were the sup ner guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Wal line teacners ivxisse reun sim id of the Sunday services at the Eighth: Street Baptist Church His subject for the morn ing service was Church's Source of The evening subject was "The Tnrri 'A The High Cost of at the Bundayl orum at the Good Shepherd Chapel i PHILOMONT PHILOMONT Va Mr and Mrs art Summers spent Wednesday with parents Mr and Mrs Henry Parker Mr and Mrs James Grooms and friends visited Mr and Mrs I Grooms on New Year's Day Mr and Mrs Theroda 'Reld gave a de lightful party Monday might Before leaving Phllomont Neudron Camp bell and Lewis Neal spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Henry Parker Mr and Mr udr are the proud par ents of a daughter born January 3 Mrs Nellie Campbell and her son Campbell attended the funeral of her aunt at Leesburg Monday Isaac Grooms has been suffering with a bad Shoulder caused by a fall in the house Miss Rosa Parker is on the sic klist Nevredon Campbell has returned 'to his work after spending some time w'lthhls mother Mrs Nellie Campbell Mr and Mrs rank Raymond visited Mr and Mrs Lee Sunday Mrs Mollie Jackson visited Mrs Grooms Saturday Mr and Mrs I Grooms I Earl and Edward Deans were at Mrs Nellie to a card party maay mgnt Mrs Campbell and Lewis dinner guests at Mr and Mrs Arthur Hunt and children visited Mr and Mrs Henry Parker Sunday Earl and Edward Deans spent riday night with Mr nad Mrs I Grooms Mr and Mrs Willie Cary were visitors in Purcellville riday Secun a the the Throw er January 8 ij Quite a number of the members were absent due to the inclemency of tha weather Two new membres were receivd There being a little business the meeting was devoted to a social hour Mrs Thrower the hostess served a palatable repast Those present wares Misses Harvey Mar tin Jickson and West Mesdames Throw er par roll Messrs Thrower Tanner Lam oert Mitchell and Ogburn The next meeting will be held at South Hill In the pome of Mr and Mrs Willie Wilson Messrs Ogburn and Tanney hosts An atomlsJiEi radi ant beat luminous flame burner with thermeatetln control Araaalndy quiet 1 00 per eept satisfaction EASY PAYMENTS Never have yan heard of a nrlee se low for an all the latest in scientific advancement ay as convenient Enjoy the tnll comfort nnd eonvenlenee only all heat lves Investigate Babv Bheller 4V4 months 174 Jbs Mrs White Pa! 1 Now I to be a mother In October dearest wish realized I Dr treatment a non specific based on Glandular activity has been used sneh reeults by thousa of women that for the next 30 days a full dollar treat went will be sent free postpaid no COD no cart no obligation to every woman who writes (: A limited supply of free treatments will bo sent out i this month so be sure and write today Also a free booklet "Childless Marriages Explained" will be sent you Bimplv send name a post card will do and remedy will be mailed in plain wrapper Dr DePew believes you will be surprised and delighted Address Dr DePew I Suite LU Coates House Kansas City Mo I ii ALTAVISTA ALTAVISTA Mr and Mrs Mosely the Rev and Mrs and Mre Willie Bonds visited Mrs Baraev Sunday Miss Lille Cook spent Sunday at home Mr uennie cook was guest Arthur fVwbir Mrs Julia Hutching la on the sick 11st Miss Hattie Walker left xor last yeek 'ar Insist on the Yellow PRiC BY MAIL 80c At AU Barber Sb0P Drug otorea and Halrdri Balto BaYber Service Co Incorporated 304 NORTH GAY STKtfL Rev and Mrs Mrs William Wallace IIMr and Mre Huston Murray Mr and Mrs Neal Pan enlL Mr and Mrs WIG Stewart Mr Oscar A Jordan at the Hour restau anti Perry and Mrs A Spears at Perry's restaurant Sunday aJnuary 11 a 4 pm quite a few met at Mr and Mrs Thomas Couz with greetings in honor ot Mrs Mary Gary who has been residing in Washing ton DC for several years Those pres ent were Mr and Mrsil Aubrey Stewart Mrs Mrs Lucretia Brown Mrs Aline Rdber son Mrs: Charley Murray Mr Madeline Massy Mrs Hessie Woodson Miss Bea trice jonnson Mrs Pearl Jones and Ruth Stewart a delicidu repast served i The Rev Goodall Rev Stewart the Rev Wilson and Rev! children from Parkersburg Va have now returned to their home I 'OtO wi' in juiu i I BLACKRIDGE BLACKRIDGE Va The Null! dis1 Social Club: formerly known! Racketeers held its first meeting year in the home of Md and Mrs HARRISONBURG HARRISONBURG Va Mis Jean rancis daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Prsncls of this city has returned to Bil lington where she is teaching after spend ing the holidays in Baltimore School has accepted a position in Win Harris principal of Efflnger Hl Chester and Berryville granted by the Ex tension Board of Va State College of which he is also a member i Mrs Walter Tetrei ha returned from Baltimore where she waa called to 'the bedside of her sister Mr John Dag ner who has been seriously UL Miss Mary Mason Of Washington is home visiting her parent Mr and Mrs Thomas Mason of Johnson Street Mrs Maggie Terrell Johnson and daugh ter Mrs Tibbs of Pittsburgh are vis iting Mr and Mrs Walter 8 Terrell on Mrs Elsie Goode Misses KAatle Venle East Rock Street rancis Goode Messrs Royal Stepteau Philip Syrus and i Walter Stepteau motor ed to Shepherdstown Va Sunday Jan uary 4 I i They were the guests of Mr and Mrs VVm Polk Mr Stepteau' sister and broth er in law i On their return they i were the dinner gtkests of the Top Inn Winchester The Pirate Athelttio' Club Basketball team journeyed to Waynesboro Monday January 6 where they met the Trevadeury of that city After ai hard fought conr test the Pirates came out on the long end of the score Rlce has been Confined to hl bed for several days il" i i Miss Mabel Jacobs a recent visitor here has returned to New York to resume her studies While in the city she Was a guest of the Inn on Johnson Dr Norris Adkins of Washington is home visiting hi parent on Ma son Street Il Wm Madden veteran waiter at the Kav anaugh Hotel was taken auddenly ill last week He has been removed to his home in Luray Va it i Dr Vernon Johns president of Va Sem inary and College preached at the irst Baptist Church Sunday January 4 for both moning and evening services i Howard James head waiter at the Kavanaugh Hotel spent Thursday past in Staunton visiting his ison Howard James Jr and family i rresioent rs just returned from a short wnere ne visited church Baltimore and Annannti Wl mm wae orrest stoonu LiS Richmond on her return Edmonds She was accomo iif 1 xatner jerry orrest k1 JLifwa It 1 1 1 a I a 01166 prise birthday party Thursdsj Miss Louise 1 i a covered from a slight illness confined her recently Lilian waucer returned to Columbus Ohio suffering cold Miss Walker xraa UcXe formeriy Of LAURINBURG LAURINBURG Hooper Jr of Old ort passed through the city Bun day Mr and Mrs Neal Mack spent Sunday In Rockingham Mrs Patrick of Goldsboro was In the city on business last week Mr and Mrs 'L Berry with son Charles! spent a delightful day in ayette ville Bunday The Wagram faculty of the Wagram school James Wert principal gave a delightful affair at the residence of Mr and Mrs Dan McLaurin on Center Street A delicious salad course was served The evening was enjoyeq oy au present MORGANTON MORGANTON' Mrs HICKORY NC A mock marriage was night January 2nd at rlend Churcfi A largecrowd at had a i whist party at the Willing Hall Saturday night Mrs Craket has returned home after visiting hU launt Mrs Bickes in Philadelphia i Apdrev of North Radford Is still improving Chartleis Accompanied his ter MUs Viale aa far as Roanoke way to Clifton orge where aha igaener RALEIGH RALEIGH NC A Christmas dinner was given by Miss Elisabeth Stewart at her home on South Bloodworth Street at 4 The guest of honor was Miss iNancy Bullock a master student of Co lumbia University The dining room was beautifully decorated with holly and green and white stripes ot tinen cloth with the greetings Those present were Misses Nancy Bul ock Mae Bass of Durham Anne Bass' pf Shaw Elwyne Haywood and Gerlene Jones of Shaw NASSAWADOX! 1 NASSAWADOX Harvey BeU was a caller in town Sunday I i Ivan and Christine Upshur were! the Visi tors of Mr and Mrs Len Thomas Thurs day night I I i George Giddings Willie Watts and Miasee Mary and Edith Thomas motored: to Cape Charles Saturday Mis Dessle Brickhouse who is! teaching in North Carolina spent th holiday with her parent Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Brick house I I Mrs Mary I Turner ha returned to her in Wuhlngotn DO after a two weeks stay with her mother Mr Annie Hatney Mrs Laura! I Breikhouse and daughter Cleo were guests of Mrs Christian UPghux Saturday afteraocm The four daughter and one son of Mrs and Mrs John Webb came down from Philadelphia riday to attend the funeral of their sister Mr Beulah Connor Miss Minnie Connor cam down from Philadelphia riday to attend the funeral of her sister in law' Mr Blab Oonhar afternoon Haney Parris a member of Zion enuren wno gave a piay in October turned over 40 last Bunday morning i SUOLK Mrs Oarrie Kretcher supervisor of the colored rural schools held a eeupty wlde meeting BSttleboro Saturday Ths attendance was 1M per eent Beth teacher and pupils carried a quantity of food which will pe guvea to the poor and needy of the county TARBORO TARBORO Lonnie Ervin of New York is her with his brother and will spend Ithe month with Mr and Mrs Ervin Iwhite or years Mr Ervin was the head (cook at the Tar Hee) Club of this city I Malcomb Dancy has returned to his work lat Pittsburgh Mr Dancy is working In the post office of that city AMONG THE CHURCHES 'The Rev ip Cook wh obas been un able to tnkel charge of his duties for the past two Sundays on account of illness was at his post Sunday morning Communion ser vices were Sunday evening at eight o'clock The Rev i Henderson of the White Rock Baptist Church spoke Sunday: morn Ing the "Burning The subject for the evening was a Mant Wakes "I The Rev Jackson of the Riverffiont Baptist Church spoke Sunday morning on Man with a The subject i for the evening service was "Stripping and i The subject for services at the Jackson St ME Church which the Rev Peters is pastor was The Rev Blackmore was in charge of the Sunday (services at the Central Presby terian Church i Dr A Jordan of the Mt Carmel Bap tist Church i spoke Sunday morning on "The Magnitude of Small Things with The Rev Harvey was in charge of the Sundayl services at the Diamond Hill Baptist vnuren me sunject tor Ing services was "Bearing the I The Rev McDowell was In charge i ir 0 I WINCHESTER WINCHESTER Va The BL Btephen CM8 Church services were well attended Bunday mornnig apd evening Mr i Mary Anna Austin from Saratoga NY was called home eq recount of th death icf her niece Mr Thornton Bh I the guest of her brother red ord Mr Emm Phillip and Mire An nie Brown Bennie Brown and 1 father Mose Browns of Berryville spent Bun day evening visiting Mr nd Mr William Brpwn I Mr nd Mr' William Parker metered to Washington DO Bunday I The Elks and Temple of Daughter gave a charity breakfast Sunday morning to the unemployed famUtea of th city at the Elk Home I Mr nd Mr Joseph Will gave a de liciou (upper to th newlyweds 1 noa present were: Mr and Mre Wm 1 Parker Mr and Mrs Wm Brown Missea Ipraneea Hazel Guiene and Mr and Mr Charlea Green A delightful evening waa gpent Leiwls Beverly who hag boon very tick la able to he out again' 1 I tha Watkln assiated the Rev Harris In the funeral service on the 12th of Janies Awkard Il The Rev Essej is being kept In another week by Dr MeGhann Mrs Maggie Byrd is slek in the home of her daughter Mrs Houston Murray Jj Awkard of Liverpool was here to (the burial of brother James Awxara Mrs Mattie Stewart hndLewis are among the "aieij The Rev 'O Pannell of a succes in the revival II at week3 He will' be'here Uti week many of his members from Ebenezer are expected to be here several nights this week I Nicholas motored to Dorswell on the 11th after his mother in law Mrs Marie Toliver' jl Please laeve your news for this paper at restaurant Our church and business operation's are deaire'd HORNTOWN HORNTOWN Va Early last week the Rev Parker motored to StagsvlUe and got his I granddaughter Mr Blanche Crippen to be with Mrs Parked who is yet quite in Mr moved from StagsvlUe and are staying at the I parsonage with the Rev and Mrs! Parker Mr and Mrs Wm Harmon of Girdletree HUI: with their: six Uttlef children moved in the house of James Rowley last Tues day I arid wodshipped her The family jined the church' school i Mbs Bertie Ewell who has been stay ing i with her brother Isaac Marshall since the death of his wife left' Sunday ter her home tin New York City "'The concert: given by Willing Club Thursday night was a grand suc DoYou Want A Baby? 5 Regular 3100 Treatment Sent one' to each family i I I 1 1 was married and longed for a baby every day with! all' my heart but was writes Mrs Scheller Indian I 1 I tftiif prescription While taking the second box was unable to express my happiness I never bad a sick day I became the mother of a fine 8M pound baby! God only knew our joy I hope evexy woman longing for mother hood will take your medicine You are welcome to use this letter and plcthre for publication Thank "Married 11 years and doctors told me I would neve have any write tried your medicine My SldlllEW jCOMPANty i wXrd VfeftNON Amazing OIL BURNER J249 (HENDERSONVILLE HENDERSONVILLE NC Mr and Mrs Burnside and daughter spent the Christmas holiday in Greensboro NC and Wasftipgton PC accompanied by Otl Cash parents I 1 MISS RANCES BERRY a student of mu isle at Oberlin College was home for the (holidays i I COACH TALMADGE HILL Prof Callo way of Morgan and 'Miss Alice Warner of Youngstown Ohio were the holiday guests ef Miss Berry' PRO ROBERT MILLER was home for the holidays MRS ELISE JACKSON spent the holidays 4 3 4 aU AM MISS CLARA MAJORS spent her holiday in Beckley WVa MISS ANNIE SMITH entertained Christ mas Eve I MISS RANCIS BERRY entertained on Christmas night MISS VIVIAN LAGG entertained a bridge on riday December 38th MISS ANNIE SCOTT entertained Satur day December 27tb THE GLOSSILLA ART CLUB entertained at dancing Monday December 39 MISS EDITH ADKINS entertained Tues day December 30 MRS GEORGIA LANDER entertained at a radio party Wednesday December 31 THE DUKES AND EARLS gave their an nual formal hall Tuaaday December 30 I MISS KMELIA MILLER entertained Jon nary lit In hoonr of th visitor MISS NANNIE BIlAIN entertained Jan uary th lat JAMES (HUGHES George ennell and Mis Mabel Cunningham motored to Lypch burg January 1 I CHARLOTTESVILLE CHARLOTTESVILLE Va Mr Ker man Lightfoot and son of NJ a de visiting her parents Mr and Mr Allen Of 8th Street aw The following were invited by Mrs Price of Lexington Va to attend a for mal dinner and dance by the Royal Art Club They all motored: Mr and Mrs Ed ward Henderson Dr and Mrs John son Dr and Mrs A Jackson Dr and Mrs IV Dabney Md and Mrs Alston Boubor Mr and Mrs Claude Burgin The affair was enjoyed by all' Mr and Mrs Charles Winn have return ed to the city after spending the holidays In Chicago rne following ar improving: Pearl Tay lor Charlie Bdown Loul Boubor Dr Dabney Mr Josephine Brown and Mrs Alberta Evana Day was successfully observed at Mt Zion Baptist Church last Sunday The main speaker were Alfonsa Caltlet and watts Brooks and Booker G' I Payne was chairman pf program committee and master of ceremonies 'lhe tolqwin'T' are in the eity because of the illness of their brother Charles Brown Mrs Armstrong of Jersey City NJ Mrs 9 Hudnell of Brooklyn NYx Mrs A Angel of hiadelphla and her nieep Miss Erancis Edmonds of Detroit Mieln DEATHS January 9 rWiIllam Clay Streets January 1 'Street January Alley January 9 Elizabeth Tapley 1803 Main MR AND( MR8 WARD PERRY spent few days in the city visiting Mr AliceWhite and Mrs Perry AMONG THE STUDENTS Who were home! ifor the holidays were: Misses Vassar Bar Inette Gaynell Jones Georgia McMechen I (Messrs Lawrence Burton Robert Thompson iiinu uuixxea xiuri iruni jMorgMn uouege The Misses Edith Davis Josephine awcett! cess There will be a debate at Dees Chap land Messrs! Russell Stewart and Henry January 31 23 "Resolved That 'Davis Misses Edith Adkins Nannie Blaine is More Benefit to the Country IRuth Lomax Edna Patrick Viola Hlggin botham Madeline Jones: Messrs Herman: 'Thompson Roger Cabbles Scott Lucius Pat Class was led by Mrs Gertie Townsend i rick Phillip I Lee Elson Higgingotham Her I Church School was conducted by the Ibert Patrick James Hart of Virginia State' nsrintendent and all the members of the ivonege 1 i John Long Roger Spencer XI visa Dluguld Shirley Dluguid of Union University i Robert Stuart and Percy White of How tard University Misses Bernetta Lushlngten Helen Johns land Zeage Daniels of Hampton Institute I RANDOLPH JEERSON of Washington DC visited relatives here I MISS NELSON TRENT visited relativeshere MISS BESSIE TURPIN of 'Atlantic City ispem a lewiaays me city I MISS VIVIAN LAGG and guest ivorbett! were home for the holidays 1 The teachers Misse Piarl Braxton MISS MARY CAMPBELL of Ohio State Lliy (Stafford were the guests of Mr University spent the holidays visiting her LMraj Savage Sunday night In Ashville Mian Pennfiter returned from Petersburg where he spent th holi day with her parent A Arnold spent a part of the holi days In Asheboro visiting his patents One of the biggest affairs during the holidays was the dance given by the Trou berdours at the Royal Casino riday night Miss Kathleen Harbison motored to Lin colnton Sunday where she will resume her work after spending a part of the holi days with her parents and' a part In Lin colnton Winston Salem and Greensboro vis iting friends Adam of Greensboro spent a few days at home last week with hte wife and son The Rev A Avery and A Stroud spent a few hours In Morganton Tuesdayn route to Ashville Lassiter preached at' Mar Hill church last Ban day He is the new pastor and fess mad a favorable jlmpresslon on his congrega tion Hl subject for the morning ser vice was "Th Battle of the Redeemer" Hs also preached Sunday night Mrs home II Those on the sick list are: Mrs Evreyn 1 Broadwater Mrs 8 Parker Mrs jd I na Marshall Mis Delaware Camion Alonso Maurice Edwards Townsend Ur John Waters and Geodge Marshall There will be a baskets social given at (Dees Chapel January 15 or 16 for the benefit of the Ladies Aid and a social January 29 or 30 given by the Bible Class just can al tne resiaenee oi uiue uvim lyallpp nad get the ARQ each week I PURCELLVILLE PURCELLVILLE The Rev Arter preacheri! Grace ME Church at 11 o'clock Miss Doris It' Brown returned home af ter spending th holiday la Washington DC Mr Drew waa a visiter on Saturday at the home of and Mrs Brown Teh Rev Ui! King the district su perintendent spent Thundya at th home' of Mr 'and Mrs 8 Rectors Mr Ethel Bell of Leesburg wa a visi ter Sunday la Purcellville 't ii Miss Sarah Stewart Granville Mrs Myrtle Johnson were visitor Sunday at Yellow Schoolhouse Mr and Mr Car Dawson of Middle burg visited their parent hare Sunday 'Claude Brown Mis Berth Jackson Mi Dori Brown were visitor Sunday at 8t i Louis I Willi Mitchel of Whsngton DC spent Sunday with his parent her i i The stork visited the home of Mr andi Mrs loyd urr nd left a fine girl Ml Bernice: Brown and Mr Myrtle i Johnson Workers never know how quickly a atubborn cough or chest cold fan be conquered until you try this famous recipe It i used in millions of homes because it giver more prompt positive relief than anything else no trou ble at all to mix and costs but a tride Into a pint bottle pour 21 ounces of Pinex then add plain grahulated sugar syrup or strained honey to make a full pint This saves two thirds of the mopey usually spent for cough medicine and gives you a purer better remedy It never spoils and I tastes good children like if You can actually feel its penetrat ing soothing action on the inflamed throat membranes It is also absorbed Into the! blood where it acta on the bronchial tubes At the same time it promptly loosen the germ laden phlegm This three fold action explains why it brings such quick relief even in severe bronchial coughs which follow cold epidemic I Pinex ds a highly concentrated com pound of genuine Norway Pine con talnibg the active agent of creosote in a 'refined palatable form and known as one of the greatest healing agentsor severe coughs cheat colds and ronchial troubles I Do not accept a substitute for Pinex It is guaranteed to give prompt relief or money refunded Coughs from tolds may lead to nous trouble You can stop the now with Creomulslon an emulsifie creosote that is pleasant to tit Creomulslon is a medical discovr with two fpld action it soothes io heals the inflamed membranes us inhibits germ' growth Of all known drugs creosote Is rec ognlzed by high medical authoriuegh as one of the greatest healing ages cies for coughs from colds and toH chial Irritations tains In addition to creosote healing elements which sooth IB 11 neal the inflamed' membranes is stop the Irritation while the goes' on to the stomach is absornff into the blood attacks the seataP trouble and checks the growth 0 germs I Creomulslon is' guaranteed factory in the treatment of: cot from colds bronchitis and forms of bronchial Irritations and excellent for building up the after colds or flu Money refunded i not relieved after taking according ti directions 'your druggist (advJ CREOMULSION COUGH fMM COIDS AIRMONT The Church of Godnd Banlts of Christ observed the Na tional Week of rayar toetwr the the "Holy Oonvocatlon which began tn fourth of January lasting until At the Sunrise Meeting on the tenth dayt 10 Elder general superintendent of Sabbath chools of ht church preached a subject taking hl text from 8 At he ermon wm preached by Evangelist Adam from the same subject nd text The Glover Success Court of Calanthe elected officer Tbureday night Mr Strand of Clarksburg th deputy! will pa in airmont the next meeting to Install the officers Officer are worthy wunsellor Mrs Mary Veney worthy Inspectrlx Mr Mary Allen worthy orator Mr Lula Sea aor: worthy register of deeds Mre Smith worthy recorder of accounts Mrs 'Jessie Robinson WR of Mrs terine Horton WSD Mrs Williams JD Mrs Washington: Mor Conductres 'Mrs Walker Escort Mrs Nance juvenile matron Mrs Robinson The Dunbar High opened its second year of night school Monday aJnuary 13 Armstrong principal The home of Mrs Josephine Edwards was on fire and burned up rs' vprai ward sand her sister cousin and several were asleep when the fire red at 3:30 am They only saved two trunk I The following who are ick are prov ing: Mrs Mary Veney Mrs Itoebuck Davis Mrs Branch Mrs Icelen Mackey itee Bunday school of Mt Zion bap tist Church was nicely attended Sunday I The morning church services opened at II Sunday The revival conducted by the Rev John son of Ashland is successful with ten converts The BYPU services started at rMs McGee of Charleston Va 'state traveling temperance worker visited the Mt Zion Baptist Church Sunday night She gave a lecture on After th electure the church hd the first communion of this year The give a musical concert at te church Mon day night The ushers will have a free luncheon in the dining room of the churen (Sunday evening The Rev A Brown pastor of Mt Zion Church Is Invited to preach atme Trinity ME Church next Sunday after noon at' the anniversary service Mrs Zlzzler of Mannington Va waa th eguest fo her son and daughter Sunday 7 IMPROVED MY HEALTH WpARDUi Is a wonderful tonic for weak and ner vous women writes Mrs Lent Catron 1028 11th st Clarks Ville Tenn took Cardul several years ago and it im proved my health 1 certainly reuummeiia uaraui If you are nm down ner vbus or suffer every month take Cardul a medicine used by women for over fifty years As your health Improves you will share the enthusiasm thousands of others who have praised Cardul for the bene fits they have felt after feaking it afternoon and gifts coptlfiyed to cqpoe throughout the evening' 1 i i i4 North Carolina LINCOLNTON 1 LINCOLNTON i Mis Novella Ram seur of in Street left Sunday for Gas tonia She la a member ot the Highland High School faculty Mi Grace HoUand left Saturday for SalUbury She is a student at Price High School i Miss Reese Carpenter who ha visit ing her 'parent i Mr and Mr A Car penter left Sunday for Gastonia 1 The Ever Ready Club had It annual holiday frolic riday night January 3 at Shady Hall The dance was quite A success Music was furnished by the etei an Or chestra of Gastonia The Misses Hobinson and Robinson have returned to the city td resume their work a teachers In the Lincolnton High School The Lincolnton High School boy 'who have been in football training under Coach A Jones tried their first Day at the City Barlt Although the boys have perlence Lincolnton lednd colored were out to The Usher Board had1 its annual Thursday night January at the school auditorium GOLDSBORO I GOLDSBORO Miss Catherine was charming hostess to the Peter club Thursday at the home of Mr William Guess Club nember and guests to make five table were invited After four progressions of' bridge Mrs Bessie Hatcher won a boudoir lamp as high! award ana Miss Goldie rancis re ceived bridge set as second prize Mrs Minnie Hatcher 'was winner of the guest prize tel box of linen handkerchiefs The 'guests' of the evening were: Mrs Brown Mrs '8 Whittington Mr Charles Hatcher Mrs Maymle Carney Miss es Margaret Valeria Edwrads and Susie Guess MisBond was assisted by Mrs Esther Guess in serving Mis Watson of Norfolk Va 1 visit ing Mr Mary Lena Govln on East: Spruce Street Mrs Sarah Blount' gave a birthday party Thursday night at home of Mr and Mrs Armstrong In hdnor of her brother Theodore Armstrong Jr A de licious iced course was served The guests were: Misses Helen and Mabel Hill Gladys and Lucile Thompson Mildred and Leia Barnes Connie Thompson Hazel Lesene Ha zel Jones Catherine Holt Mrs Emma Rolin son Messrs George and James Sykes James fitarks Henry Johnson Eddie Moses Morris Barfield Ralph Thompson Bruce Morse Wm Aldridge Wm Glen Bancho Button Bennie Simmone Everett and George Armstrong The Rev Richard oster who has teen visiting his mother on Georgia Avenue re turned to his home in Syracuse NY last week it The Dillard basketball team lost It first game of thq season riday night 8 to 5 to Nash County Training 'School of Nashville NC The game was played at the Palais Royal Mrs Lillie Armstrong is convalescing at her home on Water Street from an auto wreck Wednesday night GASTONIA Jl GASTONIA NC Mrs Laura Taylor en trained at her home 408 York Street Tuesday afternoon in honor of her nasrnr's wife Mrs Bara Ei Chisholm who recently moved here from thelr home In Chester 8C The guests included Madam Bara McCollough Norman McLongshore Mary Sanders Martin Josephine Leeper Rodgers Pearl Neely Dora McNinch Rhoda agan Alice Bell Maggie Howell Ida Goode Maggie arris Maggie Costner Gannaway and Mary Turner Mrs lorence oster is Improving after an illness of several weeks Mrs Robert Withers and little daughters returned home after spending the holidays In Raleigh NC with her husband Mr and Mrs William Tuttle and son George Rufus of Portsmouth Ohio were' the Christmas guests of Miss Eva Tuttle of 321 Reddin Street i i Tom Dogan of Huntington Came' home to stay for the winter with his brother Boyd Wyatt of 321 N' Avon Street! Mrs Napoleon Brown of Reddin' Street is unable to walk except with crutches Little Larcell and Mary Davis daughters of Mr and Mrs Will Davis are visiting their grandparents! in Blackstock The club: HelpingHand' No 3" of Avon Street is getting along fine i i The branch Sunday' School nt Thrnuio Baptist Church Is getting along nicely Mrs Macje Caldwell of Avon Street "returned home after spending four months in Washington DC with her son Mr and Mrs Roosevelt Henry While there she was the dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Judge Guest and also Mr and Mr Claimon Gee of 1446 Street 1 Mr Julia Hall of Blackstok SC was the guest of her aunt Mrs Hattie Herndon of Avon Street The three months old eon of Mr and Mrs ean Arthur is getting along fine 1 a SPINDALE SPINDALE NC Th Rev'WWWJ Price of Shelby held his regular services' at New Zion Baptist Church Sunday The Rev 8 McBrayer passed through Saturday t'from Mooresboro going to hold service Sunday at Mt Nebo Baptist Church Uree i A program was given by the students'at Western Union College followed by a social given by the matron Mrs Hattie Knox riday night Wilson delivered an address to the faculty and student body of Western' Union College Sunday School on the subject "Omnipotent Power of God" Mrs Kate Alexander will leave for Ches ter Pa Sunday Master Moses Young is on the Alexander came In from West Vir gillie December 27th and spenr the with his brother Alexander on West Ledbetter 'Street and reiurjeuV 1 Vlrgllna January 1 Alexander ha been confined lis bed with a cold Mr and Mrs 8 Simpson were the guests of Mr and Mrs Alexander last Sun day also Mrs Arie Lynch and her sister Miss Eva Mllla The Rev Walker pastor tel Mt Sinai ME Church spent the holiday with hi family in High Point NC wnere he is making his home for the time being He returned to Spindale Saturday night His preaching day are the first and third Sundays Dock Real who was run down oy an ruto on the night of November 33rd ha return ed home from the Rutherford Hospital and is getting along fine Simmons from Hot Coal WVa and Twltty motored to Rutherfordton to visit Mr Twltty parents Mr and Mrs Jaek Twltty While they were there they went bird hunting Born to Mr and Mr Mark Whltesidest January 5th a big girl Martha Augusta Catherine Mother and baby are getting along fine The' member of the new Zion Baptist Church met in a business meeting Satur day night with the pastor the Rev Price of Shelby In charge They added four junior deacons to the senior deacon board! Costner Li Davis Simp son and John Washington our deaeon were also added to th suter board: Paulin Costner MUler Hattie oster Margaret Simpson Mrs 8 Simpson Is confined to her bed Bridges Twltty and Jaek Twltty motored to Shelby Sunday night on business The flrsf quarterly conference will be held at Walls Spring Church on the ourth Saturday and Sunday January 84 and 35 with Dr Winchester the superintendent ef this district In charge aavsueja 4 Tom Edwards who ha been sick at his home Is out again I Mr turned spending the i holiadys In Columbia 8C Richmond Petersburg and other cities vis iting and friends Miss Ida Mangrun one of the i teacher at the Piney Grove School of Wakefield 1 quite sick lit '( A musical recital will be given next Sun day by Mrs Binford at the irst Baptist Church ef Wakefield Numbers will be rendered In German rench Span ish and English I Prof Binford! will make a brief address on the origin of folk music He will also Interpret some of the numbre rendered" 1 'LYNCHBURG 1 LYNCHBURG Miss lorence John son 'Who ho spent some time in Boston spent a few day in the city ylstting her mother HARRY ENN spent a few days In the city visiting his parent MISS 8ALENA LANGHORNE Of West Vir ginia State College spent a few day vis iting her (parents Mr and Mrs A Langhorne I MRS WILLIE HUTCHERSON was hostess to "The Rlvermont Bridge at her home 1420 Cabell Street Mrs Hutcherson guest were Miss Lyn Shepherd Mrs Nan nie Nelson Mrs Mattie Jones Mrs Irene Evans Mr Rosetta Grooms Miss Violet Hutcherson' Mrs Ella erguson Mrs Bessie Greene Miss Madlyn Jones pt Hampton In stitute Dr Harry Penn of Washington Miss I lorida Shepherd Mr and Mrs Carlisle Johnson Mr and Mrs Wil liams and Paul Black MRS NANNIE NELSON was hostess to a dinner and card party at her home pn Cleveland Avenue Mrs guests in cluded Mr I and Mrs Walter Walker Mr and Mrs Harper Mr and Mrs Jack Grooms Mr and Mrs 8 Hutcherson Mrs Mattie Jones Mrs erguson Paul (Black Miss Johnson and Miss Smith ol New York City MISS MADLYNE JONES of Hampton In stitute was home visiting her mother Mrs Mattie Jones of 2215 Columbia Avenue MRS MATTIE JONES was hostess to "The Rlvermont Bridge: at her home 3315 Columbia Avenue Her guests Includ ed Mrs Rosetta Groom Mrs Wil'le Hutr cherson Mrs Iren Evans Miss Lyn Shep herd Mrs I Nannie Nelson Mr Robert of New Orleans and Paul Black MRS ROBERST of New Orleans was the house guest of Mr Irene Evans MR AND MRS CARLISLE JOHNSON was hosts to a group of friends at their home on 8th Btret Her guests played bridgend danced Those In attendance? were: Mr and Mrs Sam Hutcherson Mr and Mrs Haskins Mr and Mrs Houston Miss Elsie Lee and Mr Wiston ranklin I MRS SAM HUTCHERSON was hostess to a dinner party at her home 1720 Cabell Street Those present were: Mr and Mrs Charles Hutcherson of Pittsburgh Pa Mrs Alberta Hunter of Pittsburgh Pa Mr Jack Hutcherson of Amherst Va Mr Massie Patterson Jr of Amherst Mis Viblet Hutchison and Mrs Bessie Green MISS ELSIE BROWN of New York Citypent a week with her mother Mrs: A Brown I I DR AND MRS LOMAX Roger Lomax and Carl Hutcherson motored to Richmond MRS RACHEL BURKS JOHNSON of Charleston I WVa and little daughter are MISS DOROTHY HOPSON her sister and visiting relatives and friends i i brother in law Mr? and Mrs Dandridge and her aunt Mrs Ruby Thompson spent a few days In the city MISS MARY HUNT spent some time with her mother on Jackson Street LITTLE MISS MARYLAND POLK fit 1113 Hollins Street is ill SIDNEY HIGGZNBOTHAM and Mrs Susan Hughes mother of John Hughes Sr are all on the sick list THE YWicA will hold Its annual meet ing and banquet riday evening January 33 MORGANTON' NC Hennes on and children are visiting her parents Sunday from ront Royal Sunday Mrs Violet Moss entertained her grand er Bluefield Va and a number xriena rrom Roanoke Mrs James Lasted ter Mr and Mrs Babe Radford were called to count of the sudden death of their niece Miss Maggie Jacksen Wednesday Mrs Robert Hart was accompanied to Roanoke by hed husband Robert Hart on Bunday Mrs Mary Cook James Cook Jr Mrnd Robert Junes and little son Bobby ot Roanoke attended the funeral of Miss Maggie Jacksom riday Mr Helen Turner of Blacksburg at tended the funeral of her cousin Miss Mag gie Jackson riday Get your ARO at and Dry Clean ing Company i Phone Mrs Hadriett Tyler reporter REDERICKSBURG REDERICKSBURG Services were held in all churches yesterday conducted by their respective pastors The Rev Guss ot Caroline County was a vis itor at Shiloh New Sit Communion was administered at Mt Zion at 3:30 pm Mt Zion Church 1 working on the up stairs section of their church They will have a beautiful auditorium when It Is completed Mrs Atalant Brown Lipscomb the wife of Prof Lipscomb of the faculty of the West Vidgtnta State College at Charles ton was in the city last week looking af ter the renovation of her childhood home on Sophia Btreet which etlll belongs to the family 1 Messrs 8 Willis' Andrew Howard A Brown and Pater Alexander were vis itors to welcome Lodge No 131 A and AJd in Bowling Green Thurrdny night Winslow Grayson who was taken sud denly slek last Sunday afternoon is much better i The Vogue Social Club met at the home of Mrs Madletta Sliver Thursday night after several games of whist business was transacted The hostess served delightful refreshments Mrs Patsy Grayson Mrs Bina Lueas and Miss Bernice Childs spent thi week end in Washington Mrs Naomi 6 Dabney has returned to Charlottesville to be with her husband Dr Dabney who Is In the University Hospital there He la reported as showing slight Improvement The Delphenium Social Club met with Miss Mary Baylor riday night The eve ning was spent playing ive Hundred John Hewlet of Ashland was the week end guest of Misa Louise Sutherland Miss Elsie Pendleton spent the week end In Washington visiting her mother Mrs Mary J' orrest and daughter Mirs Louise spent Sunday In Washington There is quite a lot of sickness In the city at this time The slek list Includes: Mrs Susie Sprow Waverly Alsop Cordley Wright Mrs Martha Bushrod Clarence Wheeler Matthew Samuel Jack son ef Mayfield Mias Evelyn Poole Mrs Susie Burrus BRADORD RADORD Mr Wilson of Bristol I a Visitor In the home of Mr and Mrs James Wllaon George Burke ot Dublin was a visitor at the morning service Mr Edward had as her din ar guasta Sunday: Mr Green Mrs Pella Alexander Mrs A Murphy Mr Pearl Miller of New River had as her dinner guests Sunday Mr and Mrs 'D Alexander Mr and Mrs Jones motorde to Christiansburg to visit Ml Malinda Min flld and Mrs Ourti Robert Clark 1 very 111 Clarence Gregory I improves very slowly Mrs Ella Jone at still improving Mr Almda Paterson 1 still on the sick list I I PULASKI PULASKI Mrs Bell Rssby been seriously ill 1 Imnrovlng Leslie Conradi ha (returned to Washing ton after visiting hl aunt Mrs erguson Mis Qathleen! Jenkins is confined at her home on account of Hines Those on the sick list are John CTark annie Jackson Lilly May Thoma erguson and Mose Cannady Mr Eva Bankidale and Charles Stew art motored to Roankoe Tuesday morn ing 1 i Bill Roger Lewi Raiby and Lovell Bu ford epent the week end In Roanoke Ladles Aid No 1 gave a silver tea Wed nesday afternoon at the residence of Mil Myra Mills in the Lewi apartment I I I BERRYVILLE I BERRYVILLE i Samuel H1U of Phila delphia is here visiting relatives and friend 'i Jlr and Mr 'Peter William gave a din ner at hr home Bunday Hr guesta were the Rev and Mrs Rollin and' family Mrs Lampkin Mr and Mrs Paige and 8 Hill Thoma Carte has returned from Phila delphia accompanied back by his niece little Elizabeth Coles who will spend some time hre urown or Miatjieburg wand visited his mother last week Mrs Irene Reed entertained guests ini Rldgevlew high school her' the Kit students and teachers who merrily joined in the various socials planned for them I A short service was held in Hawkins Ha)l at eleven by the college pastor Dean Green I At noon the Christmas tree laden with gifts was the center of attraction and sur rendered many presents including a bag of candy for every one from Mr Irene Cherry wife of the president A Orient Cottage home of the buslnesa man ager and Mrs Benjamin Taylor for car ols games and refreshments I President and Mrs Cherry entertained the members ot the faculty at dinner ri day Those who gathered at seven to partake of thir hospitality included: Mr and Mrs Benjamin Taylor Mr and Mr Houston Markham Mrs Telfair Boland Miss Alma Adams Dean Kirkland Green and Booker White 4 Mr and Mrs Taylor and daughter motored to Reidsville Va to visit their father I Miss Alma Adams divided her holiday with relatives In Rallgh NC Mrs Ruby Gill spent the holiday on the eampus as guest of her husband Pro fessor James Gill I Mrs Melllcent I Portee her sUtef Miss Okellan Grant and Edgar Thompson motored to lorida stopping at Jacksonville Miami Tampa and other places of Interest (Misses Louise Alexander and Sophie Edelin included New York and Jersey City in their holiday travels CHRISTIANSBURG CHRISTIANSBURG Va Mr Mary Thomas of Cambria Va was called Newport News on account ot the seriously illness of her brother Charles Thaxton Mrs Robert Hart of Roanoke was the guest of Mrs A Lester last week Allen Williams of Alleghany Spprings ls the of Mr and Mrs William Taylor Mis Cornqjia Campbell of Spout Spring spent the week end with parents and rela tives 'I I Miss Bertie Jane Saunders of New York was the week end guest of Mr and Mrs John Nowlin Mr Lillie Smith has recovered from' a recent Illness Messrs Charles Matthews nad Trigg Nowlin were business visitors In Marlon the past week Some of the out of town' folks who at tended the funeral services ot Miss Maggie Jaekson were Mr and Mds Babe Rawlins Mr and Mrs Eugene King Misses Ted Watkins Early Mill and Walter riee of Bradford Misses Viola Jackson' of New Jersey Mr and Mr Charles A Jackson their SANORD NC The I meeting Tuesday tj 8 at the residence of Mr a on Ramseur Street a if" meeting the hostess served buiS past Whist occupied th Club members present were ward Boykin HayLS McKoy A Byrd Alyce Williams xS Misses Ernestine and 1 11 were hostesses at an K' home on Wall Street Januan darictag were in order from WJ Those who enjoyed the evening i Ot A Alston and Walter Grf '4 frdm reemnnt nhiv a Wicker Lander A Byrd McKoy 1 1 in the hospitip1 KITTRELL 0 THt H1 oMlB 8 ife! il 1 1 I I I i i i ii) i 1 I i Ijs 8 1 I i ii 't I iflExzw 'U 1' "TTnjjpi'i iwuiii I 1 WUOll I HAIR zjd 1 I i (1 Jy i i IlKkMIli 'h i 7 A Mg' 1 Wtell 1 11 ENTnR41 I 5S5 I I.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.